March and April News
Thursday, March 1st, 2007click here for past entriesPlease note the following dates:
Sunday, March 18 - Sunday school pot-luck and play rehearsal for approximately one hour following worship.
Sunday, March 25 - No Sunday school. Come and worship!
Sunday, April 1 - Sunday school lunch and play rehearsal for approximately one hour following worship.
Sunday, April 8 - Easter Sunday! - A special event is planned for this day. Please sign up prior to April 8th if you intend on participating. Sign up, and then come and see!
Sunday, April 22 - The Sunday School children invite you to their Easter play, "Morning Glory" which will be held during the service on Sunday, April 22nd, 2007. Following the service, please join the Sunday School children who will be hosting a Breakfast in Galilee downstairs.