Tuesday, November 1st, 2011click here for past entriesSunday School
November Happenings
Mark Your Calendars:
Sunday - November 6th: "BRING A FRIEND DAY" We have invites for you to invite your friend to church... we have a great day planned that includes teaching the word of God, fellowship and fun activites for your friend and you to enjoy! "REMEMBER... Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver the other is gold, a circle is round it has no end and that is why we can have more friends!"
****Saturday - November 12th: "Glow Bowling" at Rossmere Lanes 1041 Henderson Hwy from 7-9pm with fellowship to follow from 9-10pm. Please bring snacks to share. Tickets are $12 for Adults and $6 for children (16 and under) See Randy Iwanicki See you there!
Sunday - November 13th - No Sunday School - We hope to see all of you in church.
Sunday - November 20th: Regular Sunday School Class with "Christmas Concert Play" practice. We will be having an additional practice after church from noon till 1:00pm. Please let Joanne or Val know if you will be in attendence.
***Sunday - November 27th: Family Advent Wreath Craft & Soup & Pie Lunch - Please join the congregation after church in a "Soup & Pie Lunch" following with a Family Advent Wreath Craft. This invitation goes out to all families. Stay for fellowship after church as families gather together for lunch and then make an "Advent Wreath" for your home, it will take approximately 1 hour to complete the wreath. Please let Betty Gunn know if you are interested in participating in the advent wreath
Please sign up for your contribution to the "Soup & Pie Lunch"
NOTE: Soup, pies, sandwiches, fruit, cheese, crackers, veggies, etc.... See you there!
Also, the Sunday School will be collecting non-perishable food and gently used clothing for Siloam Mission during the month, please see Joanne for details.