November update
Monday, November 1st, 2010click here for past entries
We had a great start to our 2010 Sunday school with a Weiner & Marshmallow Roast followed by the hayride in October attended by 37 people. Thank you all for coming out for fellowship and thanks be to God for blessing us with a beautiful day for our event. So it’s November and NO SNOW…Wow!!!!! When there is no snow it is hard to get in the Christmas spirit…And traditionally in November, we begin to practice for the Christmas Concert. Please let me know if your children are interested in playing a part in the concert, keeping in mind it is a commitment from now till the concert with some additional practices to be announced. Please try to attend each Sunday to avoid additional practices as everyone already has busy schedules. We have a busy November ahead so please mark your calendars as follows:
Attention Sunday School Parents:
Please ensure your children put their offering in the assigned envelopes from registration and write their names on the outside in order that we may keep record for income tax purposes.
Reminder: Please remember that the Sunday school children must be accompanied by an adult to the lunch table after church.
Mark Your Calendars:
Sunday – November 7th: Regular Sunday school classes. Please ensure that you notify one of the Sunday School staff in person, via email or call Val prior to November 9th as the play will need to be picked in conjunction with the number of actors. Thank you! J
Sunday – November 14th – “Christmas Concert Play” practice.
***Saturday – November 20th : “Glow Bowling” at Rossmere Lanes1042 Henderson Hwy from 7-9 pm with fellowship to follow from 9-10ppm. Please bring snacks to share. Tickets are $12 for Adults and $6 for ages16 and under See Randy or Craig See you there! J
Sunday – November 21th: “Christmas Concert Play” practice.
***Sunday, November 28th: Family Advent Wreath Craft & Soup & Pie Lunch – Please join the congregation after church in a “Soup & Pie Lunch” following with a Family Advent Wreath Craft. This invitation goes out to all families. Stay for fellowship after church as families gather together for lunch and then make an “Advent Wreath” for your home. Please let Betty know if you are interested in participating in the advent wreath. Please sign up for your contribution to the “Soup & Pie Lunch”
NOTE: fruit, cheese, crackers, veggies, etc are also welcome….See you there! J
Special Event:
Our special event for November is a family craft along with “Soup & Pie Lunch”. After church, the Sunday school families will join in the “Soup & Pie Lunch”, your contributions to the lunch are greatly appreciated. Following the lunch, the Sunday school will provide the craft material and guidance in making your family “Advent Wreath”. It will take approximately 1 hour to complete. This is a family moment in which you all get to work together to make a wreath for advent. Hope you can attend!
Richest Blessings, Your Sunday School Staff