February Newsletter
Sunday, February 1st, 2009click here for past entriesSUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2009 Ice Cream Social "St. Luke's Zion's Got Talent!" is being held from noon till 3:00 pm. Tickets are available from Val Kunkel at a cost of $10.00 per family (4) or $3.00 per person. Have you got a hidden talent? Can you sing, play a musical instrument, do a dance, or tell jokes? We want to see your talent! Please see Val Kunkel to sign up for the talent show - everyone is welcome! Silent Auction prizes are also welcome.
HOORAY! The new fridge is now paid for, thanks to all of you who have donated toward it. Thank you!
LADIES GROUP The Ladies of St. Luke's Zion will be meeting at the church on Saturday, February 21st at 10:30. We have some work on the banners to do and then we will be going out for lunch. See you then!
MITTEN TREE Do you, or maybe a friend, neighbor or relative, have any kind (or amount) of baby wool that is not being used? In the December 2008 Canada Lutheran Magazine (page 27) there was a written article about a lady (residing in Winnipeg) who is making baby sweaters for the Canadian Lutheran World Relief layette project. She has made over 100 baby sweaters. I have collected some and purchased a few balls to give to this lady. If you would like to join me in donating to this project, please speak to me. I plan to collect during the month of February and deliver the wool and small buttons in March. Thank you. Linda Edel
COFFEE TIME We are always looking for people to sign up to provide coffee and goodies for after church on Sundays. Our fellowship time after Sunday service has been indicated as being very important for many of us. We really need more people to participate on a regular basis. Remember you do not have to bake - just bring a box of cookies, donuts or a cake. Thank you!
BILLIOUS POND UPDATE! Our new CD, A Letter from Home, is now available. If you would like a copy see Dave, Don or Bill. All proceeds will be given to the Canadian Diabetes Association.
Poet's Corner
Sweeping in continuous motion Across the dark night sky Like rainbow colours in disarray The reds and blues, The greens and yellows Keep swirling in unending commotion.
Circling forward and backwards In silent rapid rotation They disappear Into the darkness forever.
This grandiose display had filled the sky Like heavenly angels proclaiming "Glory and Praise and Honour Be to our God on high."
by Anna McDonald
February 25th Ash Wednesday Service 7:30 p.m.