Thursday, February 1st, 2024click here for past entriesBAPTISMS FOR FEBRUARY:
Inspired by the congregational pledge made in the service of Holy Baptism (see page 228, EvLW), we will be including names of those baptized at St. Luke's Zion in our monthly newsletters.
We hope this will be a reminder to lift them up in prayer, wherever they may be in their faith-walk.
The following were baptized in the month of February in previous years:
Madison T. Ben S.
Tyson C. Neveah T.
Brendyn K. Elliette G.
Madison S. Nevaeh V.
Ashley S.
Please remember in your prayers our shut-ins in long term care:
Phyllis A. - Concordia Place
Claire D. - Fred Douglas Lodge
Dorothy H. - Luther Home
Anne M. - Concordia Place
Alfred T. - Red River Place, Selkirk
Melita T. - Luther Home
Ollie Z. - Fred Douglas Lodge
The AGM for St. Luke’s Zion will be held on Sunday, February 25th following worship and lunch. A pancake lunch is provided by SLAW Youth as a fundraiser for our shared youth ministry.
*Weekly bible conversations will be cancelled during Lent. We will resume after Easter.
February 14th, 7:00 pm at St. Luke’s Zion, with coffee and fellowship to follow. St. Francis Anglican will be joining us for this service.
Wednesdays starting on February 21st, from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Please sign up if you are able to provide soup or buns / bread for any of these Wednesdays.
Change: The Sunday School will be sharing their video Christmas message on February 11th.
Pot-Luck Luncheon to follow – we invite you all to bring a dish to share.
SAVE THE DATE: April 28th SLZ’s Got Talent & Luncheon. *We are now accepting donations for the Silent Auction Prizes.
If you would like to share your talent with us Sign-up with Joanne Janzen (in-person, text or email)
Tuesdays, 6:30 pm, at St. Luke’s Zion on February 6, 20, 27, and March 5. Students are encouraged to attend Ash Wednesday worship in lieu of a class on Shrove Tuesday.
All Training is provided – references not required
*Communion assistants:
- 2 communion assistants each week
*Counters: every Sunday we need 2 people to count
If you are available please sign-up on the sheet on the table or let Joanne Janzen know either by text, email, phone call or in person.
We appreciate all those who have volunteered up to this point. Thank You
There is a sign-up located on the bulletin board for those of you who wish to sign-up to make coffee, tea, bring baking etc. Thank You for those who have already signed up.
2023 was another good year in regards to distributing knitted items on behalf of our church parish. Hats and mitts were given out to Strathcona, Machray and King Edward Schools. Items were also distributed at our church food bank. Rhonda at the Urban Mission prepared well over 100 gift bags for Christmas and many of our knitted items were put into the bags.
Big Thank You to everyone who provided the hand made items and also gave gently used winter accessories and coats that were distributed at the Urban.
Thanks to Kurt and Don who delivered all the items. Thanks to Peter and Linda’s neighbour Mary who sent three boxes of knitting; and Grace’s neighbour Myrna who knitted 85 pairs of children’s mitts.
We are always looking for wool donations. They are mostly used for making children’s mitts. If you have any, please bring them – they will be put to good use.
~ Linda Edel (204-632-0093)
WinterQuest - Sat., Feb. 10 at Trinity Lutheran Church in Starbuck, from 9:30-5:00 p.m.
Feb. 25th - SLAW Youth hosting a pancake lunch as a fundraiser for our shared youth ministry.
Youth Fall Retreat Re-Cap
The 2023 MNO Synod Youth Fall Retreat was a success this year, with youth and leaders from seven different congregations gathering at Luther Village for a weekend of fellowship, fun, friends and food. Thanks to grants received from the Margie Kvern Scholarship Fund (MNO synod) and from the Luther League Legacy Fund (ELCIC), this year’s retreat featured the dynamic and engaging presence and leadership of Rachel Kurtz, a professional singer/songwriter from Minneapolis. Rachel shared her music and stories with energy and enthusiasm, helping each person explore and claim their identity as beloved, while also providing some music and worship training to the band. She reflected on the story of the Samaritan woman at the well from John 4 and brought the scripture to life through her stories and humour. Pr. Courtenay Reedman Parker provided pastoral support for the weekend and guided meaningful evening prayer and morning worship times. Besides playing games, enjoying nature, and building community through laughter and food, the youth also worked together to create and lead worship on Sunday, sharing their gifts and faith through singing, writing and leading prayers, and reading the lessons for the day.
Thank you to all the youth leaders, pastors, parents and adults who supported this year’s fall retreat. Congregational support of MNO Synod youth ministry allows retreats like this one to continue to create space for transformation with young people. Please continue to keep synod youth leaders, youth groups, and synod youth ministry in your prayers.
View a highlight video of the retreat at:
Canadian Lutheran World Relief's (CLWR)
Gifts from the Heart catalogue is available now! Bring a smile to your loves one this Christmas season with a meaningful gift that shares hope with someone in need. New gifts in this year's catalogue include school meals in Nicaragua and clean water at women's centres. Watch your mailboxes and inboxes for your copy, or visit CLWR's website
Registration is NOW OPEN for the 2024 season at Luther Village!
Join us to experience “Boundless- God beyond measure” and all camp has to offer in a rugged and beautiful setting on the shores of Dogtooth Lake.
#seeyouatLV #campinglife #registernow
MAY 10-12 ...Young Adult Retreat
MAY 17-20 ... Work Weekend May Long
MAY 31-JUNE 2 ...Bikeathon
JUNE 7-9 ...Women’s Retreat
JUNE 7-9 ...LIT Training Weekend
JUNE 21-23 ...Small Fry Camp (Grades 2-3)
JUNE 28-30 ...Kick Off to Summer Weekend
JUNE 30-JULY 5 ...Grades 7-10 Camp
JUNE 30-JULY 5 ...LIT Training Week
JULY 7-12 ...Grades 4-6 Camp
JULY 14-20 ...Family Camp 1
JULY 21-26 ...LIT Rotation Week 1
JULY 21-27 ... Family Camp 2
JULY 28-AUG 2 ... LIT Rotation Week 2
JULY 28-AUG 3 ... Family Camp 3
AUG 4-10 ... Family Camp 4
AUG 11-17 ... Family Camp 5
AUG 18-23 ...Teen Canoe Trip
AUG 23-25 ... Family Camp Retreat
AUG 30-SEPT 2 ...Labour Day Long Weekend
SEPT 4 - OCT 3 ...Personal Retreat
OCT 4 - 7 ...MNO Synod Thanksgiving Retreat 2
January 2024 News from your Ministry Manager –
Happy New Year!
Our January 17th Christmas Carol Worship Service was led by Pastor Don Engel was wonderful! The room was filled with familiar faces along with some new ones. The Urban Christmas tree, the Advent candles, and the poinsettia really gave the feeling of Christmas in the air. Coffee and tea were served from 1:00 – 1:30 p.m., followed by the carol service including communion from 1:30 – 2:15 p.m. All of our 125 chairs were filled with people adding their voices to the old familiar Christmas carols. A take-home Christmas lunch and presents rounded it off.
The Lutheran Urban Ministry is so grateful to all those who make the Urban possible – for those instrumental in the formation of it so many years ago - and for all who contribute to the ongoing viability of this outreach ministry in the west end. Thank you to the meal teams, the knitters and quilt makers, the cookie bakers, to all those who contribute toward the Urban’s operating expenses, for the prayers, and unending thanks to the volunteers who help in countless ways.
But most of all I’m grateful to our Urban community who strengthen my spirit with their spirit of care and genuine compassion for others, fellowship, laughter and sometimes tears, and who continually demonstrate such strength in the midst of adversity.
“Self Esteem and Self Compassion” was the topic in our Mental Wellness Sharing Circles in the first week of January with facilitators from the Canadian Mental Health Association Manitoba/Winnipeg. These are taking place the 1st week of each month on Wednesdays at our Men’s Lunch/Sharing Circle and our Women’s Sharing Circle, and also at our Thursday Co-ed Sharing Circles – from September 2023 to April 2024. Good information and terrific discussions in all three circles. The topic for the first week of February is “Establishing Boundaries”. Mental wellness topics are applicable for people of all walks of life. Also, great conversations and topics in the other circles during the month including how is our week going; what’s on our mind today; new year beginnings; what is our first childhood memory; life anecdotes.
To our MNO Congregation Members and Clergy:
A wonderful opportunity to have fellowship with our Urban Community - please drop by anytime to our:
Sunday Worship Service: door opens at 1:00 p.m. Worship service from 1:30 – 2:15 p.m.
Men’s Lunch/Sharing Circle every Wednesday - Downstairs at Noon
Please stop by at 12:00 p.m. Noon (ring the doorbell) for lunch and great fellowship and conversation!
Women’s Sharing Circle every Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. (until 3:30 p.m.)
Please arrive at 2:00 p.m. (ring the doorbell) for coffee/tea/dessert and great fellowship and conversation!
Women’s Drop-in every Wednesday from 4:00 – 5:30 p.m.
Please stop by (ring the doorbell) for coffee/tea/cookies and visiting together! Kids & grandkids welcome to come with you and we have colouring and arts and crafts to keep them busy.
Co-ed Sharing Circle every Thursday at 4:30 p.m. (please arrive at 4:30 p.m.)
Please stop by at 4:30 (ring the doorbell) for great fellowship and conversation! And coffee/tea/dessert
- Rhonda Gorham,
Ministry Manager, Lutheran Urban Ministry Corp.
The first in-person meeting of 2024 is taking place on Tuesday, February 6th at 7:00 p.m. (door opens at 6:30 p.m.) at the West Kildonan Community Centre (Perth & Powers).
Topic is Carnivorous Plants with Andrew Gilrysa. He will have a few to sell.
Yearly Family Membership is $15.00. Payment in cash or cheque. Membership card can be shown at many garden centres for a 10-20% discount.
In February we will have hundreds of packages of garden seeds to give out to members. Also there will be a ‘growing’ raffle - $2.00 a ticket or 3 for $4.00. Profit from this raffle will be given to community groups that grow food in the inner city.
Coffee, drinks and snacks are provided. Please bring your own cup.
Tuesday, March 5th meeting will feature Linda Dietrick (Master Gardener) speaking on Shade Gardening.
~ Linda Edel (Board Member)
Coping with Loss Workbook: Healing Grief & Loss
“If there ever comes a day when we can’t be together, keep me in your heart, I’ll stay there forever.” WINNIE THE POOH
Grief Workbook PDF for Download
(copy link into browser)
"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted."
(Matthew 5:4)