April Newsletter
Tuesday, April 1st, 2008click here for past entries LADIES GROUP Our ladies group will be serving the after church coffee on April 20th. We have decided to make it into a Luncheon and serve soup as well. If you are interested in attending or if you want to help in anyway please make a note on the poster.
LUTHER VILLAGE NEWS The Bud Spud & Steak is back! After the very successful and fun-filled evening of fellowship and food last year, Luther Village is again hosting this exciting evening! Get your tickets ($15) for this evening from 6-9 PM on Thursday April 10, 2008 from Betty Gunn or by calling Amy at 222-9470. Tickets include a steak dinner and a beverage. It is taking place at the Tijuana Yacht Club, Canad Inns, Polo Park. Exciting auction prizes include a Pithog 110cc dirt bike! Don't delay, call now!
THANK YOU to the cooks and their helpers for our “Fabulous Easter Breakfast” and for cleaning up too. Gentlemen you have outdone yourselves yet again!
SUNDAY SCHOOL THANK YOU to Val Kunkel, the Sunday school teachers and students for presenting the play ”How Easter Began” on Palm Sunday. They did a fantastic job and we really appreciate all their hard work. We are looking forward to hearing from you again!
SINGERS & MUSICIANS WANTED The Worship and Arts Committee of MNO Synod is looking for singers and other musicians who will be at the opening worship of the synod convention, April 24th in Dauphin. Anyone interested in singing in the choir or playing an instrument is asked to contact Duane Gaukel by email at dgaukel@shaw.ca or phone (204) 221-2742.
ST. LUKE’S ZION YARD SALE We will be having a yard sale sometime in June so during your “spring cleaning”, please keep the yard sale in mind. Those who have items to donate for the sale are asked to keep those items at home until further notice. We are also looking for new items for the Raffle table. As well we will be having our hot dog sale so plan to come out for lunch. Proceeds from the yard sale will be equally shared between the Lutheran Urban Mission and the cost of our new fridge. Watch for more details to follow!
PROJECT PEACEMAKERS’ ANNUAL ECO-FRIENDLY FUNDRAISING DINNER Sunday, April 20, 6:00 pm at Westworth United Church, 1750 Grosvenor Ave. at Lanark. Eco-Footprint: Walking Gently on the Earth is this year’s topic; our guest speaker is the always inspiring and practical Mary Melnychuk (Resource Conservation Manitoba). Enjoy delicious vegetarian dishes, friendly peacemaker friends, and our rousing silent auction. Tickets: $10, children 12 and under $5, contact 775-8178 or info@projectpeacemakers.org. Tickets will not be sold at the door due to food planning requirements.
BILLIOUS POND UPDATE! Upcoming dates: May 3rd & 4th – Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Midale SK July 21st & 22nd to be confirmed Manitoba Gospel Jamboree, Beausejour, MB
NEWSLETTER ITEMS Items for the May newsletter can be given to Teresa Rumley or emailed to treerumley@shaw.ca by Sunday, April 20th.
Thank you!
Poet’s Corner
The Rainbow
a symbol of hope
the rain is gently falling while in the west the sun is emitting its rays to hang a rainbow in the sky
a rainbow always a symbol of hope a symbol of hope found in its colours of red, orange, yellow of green, blue, indigo
red for love and life itself orange for vitality and vision yellow for stability and strength green for grace and growth blue for peace and plenty indigo for faith and faithfulness
a rainbow always a symbol of hope
by Anna McDonald