Tuesday, November 1st, 2022click here for past entriesBAPTISMS FOR NOVEMBER:
Inspired by the congregational pledge made in the service of Holy Baptism (see page 228, EvLW), we will be including names of those baptized at St. Luke's Zion in our monthly newsletters.
We hope this will be a reminder to lift them up in prayer, wherever they may be in their faith-walk. The following were baptized in the month of November in previous years:
Nicole A. L. W. Tammy D. S.
Ryan J. F. Jaxson Z. S.
Allaiya T. F. M. B. Alyssa R. A.
Michael J. T. Trinity R. I. P.
Kayleigh A.D. A. Dominic R. C.
Lauren A. A. Cash S. D. C.
Caitlyn E. K. Cammy C.
Jason W. S. Jericho R. W.
Please remember in your prayers our shut-ins in long term care:
Phyllis A. - Concordia Place
Doreen S. - Luther Home
Alfred T. - Red River Place, Selkirk
Melita T. - Luther Home
Sunday School classes will continue every Sunday until December 18th – which will be our Christmas Party and the last class of 2022…we will resume regular classes on January 8th, 2023.
Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m.
Nov. 1st at SLZ – this will be the last confirmation class in 2022 and will resume January 2023.
Wednesday’s at 12:00 noon All are welcome!
Bring a bagged lunch – coffee and tea will be provided. See you there!
The next council meeting will held on Nov. 8th at
7:00 p.m. All are welcome to attend.
We currently have many open volunteer positions each Sunday:
Ushers, Counters, Projector, Communion clean-up, Communion set-up, Communion assistants, Acolytes, Video, Lectors, Sound…
Please let Pastor Lynne or Joanne Janzen know the dates you would like to serve in any of these capacities. No resume necessary and Free training provided! Looking forward to hearing from you ???? Thank You
Will be away from November 7th to the 21st.
For any urgent needs, please contact Joanne Janzen, who has a list of the pastors who are on call during this time.
As part of the Thanksgiving Retreat, youth learn and explore different aspects of worship as part of planning and preparing for Sunday morning worship. This year, that included reflecting on and adding to a worship banner that expresses the upcoming theme for CLAY: “Ashes & Embers”. This banner will be part of upcoming synod youth worship services in this year leading up to CLAY. Whether a congregation has youth attending CLAY or not, this banner can serve as an invitation to congregations to pray for youth and young adults in our church and the world–that they, like Moses, would have experiences of God that would open their eyes and hearts to a call to participate in God’s work of release, renewal and freedom for all of God’s people.
This banner was commissioned by the Youth & Young Adult Committee, who wanted to create an image that speaks to the reality of how synod youth ministry is in a season of transformation, discernment and regeneration. It was designed by Sister Michelle Walka, a member of the ELCA Deaconess Community and founder of Beloved Art and Practice who is based in North Dakota but offers in-person and virtual creative practice workshops and opportunities in many places. Sister Michelle led an MNO Synod youth Advent-themed paint night in Dec. 2021. The banner was created and painted by Pr. Zsófi Schmiedge at St. Mark’s, Winnipeg. Youth and leaders at the Thanksgiving Retreat added leaves and feathers as part of their ministry project.
Growing from the theme of CLAY 2023 (“Ashes & Embers”) the banner reflects on the story of Moses encountering God in the burning bush, as well as the Holy Spirit who empowers and sends each person. The banner represents the reality that synod youth ministry (and the whole church) is going through a season of death and resurrection as we listen for God’s voice coming to us in new, unexpected, and sometimes unexplainable ways.
The Anglican Foundation of Canada (AFC)
has announced a $25,000.00 grant in support of Indigenous youth for attendance at the 2023 Canadian Lutheran Anglican Youth Gathering (CLAY: Ashes & Embers) to be held in Waterloo, ON. from August 10th -13th.
LUM (Lutheran Urban Ministry:
October 2022 News from your Ministry Manager
What is marginalization? It’s the act of placing a person or group into a position of powerlessness, isolation, and the feeling of being set apart on the margins of society. People can be marginalized because of race, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, poverty/economic status, physical/ intellectual ability, language, and/or immigration status. The root of marginalization stems from discrimination - and those on the margins are treated as, or seen as, insignificant.
“My neighbour is the one who crosses the road for me.” - Henri Nouwen
The Urban is an outreach of care, fellowship, and spiritual care here in the west end of Winnipeg. • We’re all neighbours in this big picture of life and those who stop by the Urban for the first time or have been part of our Urban community for years and years know that the Urban cares about them. When our bagged lunch program began outside the side door in mid-March 2020, we have continued to see the resilience and strength of spirit in those we see occasionally or regularly. It’s always wonderful when someone comes by and there’s time to catch up on life events or the happenings of the past week. We’ll all have a lot to talk about when our sharing circles begin again! • We are so grateful for all of the support and care for our Urban community from so many directions: individuals, churches, organizations, and volunteers.
This spring, Arms of the Cross Housing Inc. donated a picnic table that was placed under the tree near the Arlington St. sidewalk. Since then, so many individuals and families have sat down at that picnic table to rest. Lots of conversations happen, and friendships have formed. I’m sure that some lively chats under that tree have sometimes revolved around solving city and world problems!
Pandemic Notes: Pandemic worries are not yet over in Winnipeg and the Urban continues with the following:
Until Further Notice: the Urban is continuing the suspension of all regular programming (coffee hours, sharing circles, men’s group, worship services, etc.) in the lower level of Lutheran Church of the Cross, due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation. Struggling and vulnerable single people and families (in the same numbers as pre-pandemic times when we were open downstairs) are continuing to come to the Urban - bagged lunches 4x/week are distributed outside (Wednesday men’s lunch, Wednesday & Thursday supper times and Sunday lunch).
Our meal teams are happy to help us in this way and we are so very grateful for this. Our website calendar shows available dates for meal teams. Fellowship is happening briefly in the parking lot as long as weather permits! Worship services and sharing circles will resume when the pandemic is over.
We have changed our pre-pandemic emergency food bags to an equitable “one food item” (if enough in our pantry) per person (two items if a family) once or twice each week during the distribution of bagged lunches. Gloves, socks, seasonal jackets etc. (and weekly bread/pastries) are also distributed outside.
Masks and 2 m social distancing continue to be mandatory on the church sidewalk and parking lot. The line sometimes overflows to the city sidewalk if necessary and all current gathering sizes are enforced as per provincial regulations. The Urban provides a disposable mask if needed.
Our website: www.theurban.ca. Check out our new video on our website, “Urban Gratitude”! Please keep our vulnerable Lutheran Urban Ministry community in your prayers. Please contact me: rhonda@theurban.ca for additional information, or to have your meal team added to the calendar.
Kind regards,
Rhonda Gorham,
Ministry Manager, Lutheran Urban Ministry Corp
Help us Care for Children in Cameroon
Gifts From The Heart
Within this program, 60 children suffering from extreme poverty receive support with school tuition, supplementary food for their diets and emergency medical care.
Donations can be made through any MNO Synod congregation by marking “Kids in Cameroon” on your offering envelope.
Booklets are available on the table in the narthex.