March Newsletter
Saturday, March 1st, 2008click here for past entries LADIES GROUP
The ladies of St. Luke's Zion will tentatively meet on March 15th. Since it is the Easter month this date might change.
BOOKS FOR GUATEMALA Brenda Gunn is in Guatemala for six months. She writes that it is a constant struggle for her friends to find good adult English books to read. Since she will be home for ten days at Easter she would like to bring some books back for her friends. She is looking for books by these authors: Doris Lessing, Anita Shreve, Ivan Doig, Joyce Carol Oates, Carol Shields (but not Larry's Party), anything from Oprah's book club. There is a list of titles on the bulletin board. If you have other books that are similar she would be happy to have those also. If you have any of these books that you are willing to donate please speak to Betty Gunn. Thank you very much.
SUNDAY SCHOOL A play presented by our Sunday School is planned as part of our worship on Sunday, March 16th (Palm Sunday). It is entitled "How Easter Began."
GOOD READING: Some new books have been purchased for the church library and are available for you to borrow, read, and then return. We have several copies of Reclaiming the "L" Word and Reclaiming the "C" Word, both by Kelly Fryer. She will be the main presenter at our MNO Synod convention this coming April in Dauphin. NEW COOLER / FRIDGE At our annual meeting, $2200.00 was approved for the purchase of a new fridge for the kitchen. This is over and above the budget that was included in the annual report, and donations toward the fridge are welcome.
MNO SYNOD NEEDS YOUR HELP Do you have any pictures that you would like to share with other members of the MNO Synod? We are currently looking to update our quickly-growing library with the following photographs: worship events, learning events, youth events, outdoor ministry, seminary, young adult events, campus ministry, Sunday school, ecumenical events, music groups, Christmas concerts, and any other special events. As these will be used for synod publications, please ensure that all subjects have given permission to use the photos. Please email photos to
CAMEROON COMPANIONS UPDATE FROM THE COMPANION SYNOD COMMITTEE Thank you for the continuing support. As of January 31, 40 of our 66 congregations have responded to this appeal, with the total financial support for the various projects exceeding $68,000. To date, approximately $17,000 has been committed or sent to projects, including $8000 provided to upgrade the wiring at a local hospital, allowing for the installation of a generator to facilitate continuous power supply so that medical procedures can proceed without delay; $3600 to an orphan program that provides hygienic education and food for up to 60 orphans on an ongoing basis; $3600 for 1 church roof for Mayo Djinga, $700 for new hymnals for the sole English congregation in the Cameroon, and $500 as a bursary for a seminary student in the Cameroon. Thank you also for providing Bibles, Sunday School materials, choir gowns and "With One Voice" hymnals that were/are being shipped along with Canadian Lutheran World Relief kits in the Global Health Ministries container out of Minneapolis. Pastor Jack and Val Frederick will be returning to the Cameroon at the end of March to assist with project management, inspection and follow up, including the new church roof at Mayo Djinga, and the purchase of a new motorcycle for one of the outlying ministries. They will also represent the ELCIC at a meeting in May in the Cameroon between the various world partners. Project funding decisions will continue to be made in the next month, prior to Pastor Jack and Val's trip to the Cameroon, as well as through email, while Pastor Jack and Val are on the territory in April and May, and we will continue to bring you an update. As far as future considerations, one thing that is being investigated at the present time is a possible mission trip in July of 2009, to facilitate a direct response to some requests that the Cameroon Church has made of our committee, namely to provide English training and theological education opportunities (preferably in French) to their leadership, as well as to have some youth/young adult presence at the Cameroon Youth Gathering that takes place in July (something that is being copied from our National Youth Gathering). In preparation for this possibility, two young adults (Kelly Speak and Tracy Shachtay) along with Pastor Larry Ulrich will attend a Mission Trip Leader's Seminar that is being held in Winnipeg on March 8-9. Of course, the additional benefits of such a mission trip for MNO folks would to experience how our partnership makes a difference, and be able to tell that story first hand. Another thing that is being investigated in partnership with the Synod Education Committee is a possible Sunday School Mission Project for the 2008-2009 Sunday School year. Pastor Jack and Val will investigate these possibilities when they are in the Cameroon this spring. Funds will continue to be received by the Synod Office as we continue to push toward our goal, or through online contributions at Your prayers and financial support are truly appreciated.
Upcoming dates:
May 3rd & 4th – Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Midale SK July 21st & 22nd to be confirmed Manitoba Gospel Jamboree, Beausejour, MB
NEWSLETTER ITEMS Items for the April newsletter can be given to Teresa Rumley or emailed to by Sunday, March 23rd.
Thank you! WORLD DAY OF PRAYER This year the World Day of Prayer focuses on Guyana. The service will be held on Friday, March 7th, 7:30 p.m. at St. Joseph’s Ukrainian Catholic Church, 250 Jefferson Ave.
Featuring DVD presentations by Philip Yancey based on his book: Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference?
Wednesday, March 5 - 7:30 p.m. - Holden Evening Prayer / Healing Service - DVD: “Prayer Problems”
Wednesday, March 12 - 7:30 p.m. - Holden Evening Prayer - DVD: “Does Prayer Change Anything?”
Maundy Thursday, March 20 - 7:30 p.m. – Holy Communion
Good Friday, March 21 - 7:30 p.m. – Tenebrae Service