September newsletter
Wednesday, September 1st, 2021click here for past entriesBAPTISMS FOR SEPTEMBER:
Inspired by the congregational pledge made in the service of Holy Baptism (see page 228, EvLW), we will be including names of those baptized at
St. Luke's Zion in our monthly newsletters.
We hope this will be a reminder to lift them up in prayer, wherever they may be in their faith-walk.
The following were baptized in the month of September in previous years:
Jessica Emilie P.
Landon Warren Carmen C.
Lisa May G.
Hannah Elizabeth G.
Emersyn Raine K.
Shasta Dawn E.
Tiara Elizabeth E.
Taven Evan F.-E.
Richard Allan J.
Aubrie Nicole S. W.
Charlie Anderson H.
Aria Breanne T.
Mia Valentina P.-S.
Please remember in your prayers our
shut-ins in long term care:
Phyllis A - Concordia Place
Laura G - Red River Place, Selkirk
Doreen S - Luther Home
Alfred T - Red River Place, Selkirk
Melita T - Luther Home
Alice V - Middlechurch Home
For those who would like to join in our online worship, here's how to do it:
1. If you have a Facebook account, sign into Facebook and search for @stlukeszion. The video will not appear until the live stream begins, which is usually a few minutes before 10:30 am. You can also view it any time after that.
2. With no Facebook account, go to Click on "Not now" when it asks you to sign in or to sign up. You should be able to view the service any time after 10:30 on the same day as it is recorded.
1. Sign up for PAR. This is an automatic debit on the
20th of each month. It costs 50 cents a month.
2. Give through the MNO synod website (mentioned
above). However, Canada Helps receives 4% of
each donation.
3. E-transfers are now available by contacting
Sharon Appler.
4. Send in the mail.
5. Drop them off at the church. Thank you!
Grades 3 - 6 youth starting soon!
Contact Lisa for info if interested
Sunday September 19
Dear meadows farms - watch for more details
You can follow us (we love new followers)
Instagram: slawg.jr .youth
Facebook: slawg.jr. youth
Those who would like an opportunity for food and fellowship are invited to come on Sunday, September 19th for a corn & wiener roast. It will be held (weather permitting) following our outdoor worship service that day.
As for the weather, that is in the hands of the Almighty!
The Fall session of our shared confirmation program begins Tuesday, September 7th at 6:30 pm at Abundant Life Lutheran Church (East St. Paul). The program encompasses those in grades 7-10. Please speak to Pastor Lynne or to Lisa if you would like to join us! September dates and locations:
- Sept. 7 – Abundant Life
- Sept. 14 – Abundant Life
- Sept. 21 – Abundant Life
- Sept. 28 – Sherwood Park
We will continue to worship outdoors as long as weather permits. Volunteers will be needed to work on the many details associated with indoor worship before we can invite everybody back inside. Volunteers will also be needed every Sunday to greet people, maintain a list of who is present each week (for contact tracing), counting the offering, and various other duties that will become more apparent as we move along.
If you are able and willing to volunteer in any capacity, please speak to Pastor Lynne or to a member of church council.
For many years, St. Luke’s Zion has been a member of NEST (the North End Sponsorship Team), an ecumenical group that supports refugees coming to Winnipeg. We are currently in need of at least one representative to serve on the NEST board. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Pastor Lynne.