Tuesday, June 1st, 2021click here for past entriesBAPTISMS FOR JUNE:
Inspired by the congregational pledge made in the service of Holy Baptism (see page 228, EvLW),
we will be including names of those baptized at St. Luke's Zion in our monthly newsletters.
We hope this will be a reminder to lift them up in prayer, wherever they may be in their faith-walk.
The following were baptized in the month of June in previous years:
Michael W. G.
Tristan J. S. D.
Bruce A. S. H.
Henry D. S.
Colby D. S.
Kiara Q. J.
Jessiah A. J. L. B.
Sydney A. S.
Cohen P. T. M.
Colby A. G. V. R.
Elizabeth M. W.
Sadie E. G.
Please remember in your prayers our shut-in’s in long term care:
Phyllis A. - Concordia Place
Laura G. - Red River Place, Selkirk
Doreen S. - Luther Home
Alfred T. - Red River Place, Selkirk
Melita T. - Luther Home
Alice V. - Middlechurch Home
At this point in time, we are still not able to gather together for worship. Hopefully, once regulations allow it, we will be able to have some outdoor services. While it has been a long time, hang in there! We will certainly let everybody know when you are able to come to worship again!
For those who would like to join in our online worship, here's how to do it:
1. If you have a Facebook account, sign in to Facebook and search for @stlukeszion. The video will not appear until the live stream begins, which is usually a few minutes before 10:30 am. You can also view it any time after that.
2. With no Facebook account, go to Facebook.com/stlukeszion. Click on "Not now" when it asks you to sign in or to sign up. You should be able to view the service any time after 10:30 on the same day as it is recorded.
If you are receiving this newsletter by mail, and actually have an email address, please let us know! Simply email us at stluzi@mymts.net. Thanks!
Pastor Lynne will be taking a week of vacation time from June 21st – 28th.
A phone number for pastoral emergencies will be given on the church answering machine.
1. Sign up for PAR. This is an automatic debit on the 20th of each month. It costs 50 cents a month.
2. Give through the MNO synod website (mentioned above). However, Canada Helps receives 4% of each donation.
3. E-transfers are now available by contacting Sharon Appler.
4. Send in the mail.
5. Drop them off at the church. Thank you!
We are working on different ways we can connect during the pandemic; we welcome any ideas you may have. Please email your ideas to: joannejanzen007@mymts.net
Thank You SLZ Sunday School
I am sure many of you know that with the current regulations due to COVID-19 Luther Village is not yet unable to open for the season, we are hoping that will change soon. That means their fundraising bike-a-thon is not able to happen in its usual way again this year. This is a big fundraiser for Luther Village and we want to support however we can.
WHAT: SLAW youth bike ride for LV
If you do not have a bike, see if you can borrow one. (helmets are encouraged)
If we are able at this point to meet with some others, we will plan to meet together, if not, people will be encouraged to ride on their own or as a family.
WHEN: Sunday June 27th Time TBA (waiting on updated restrictions)
WHERE: Bird's Hill Park and ride around the lake. It's a 7km trip. We will do our best to meet and ride in a socially distanced way
For people available to ride you will need to register on line: (team is SLAW youth)
To register as a rider: Sign-in | Luther Village (campbrainregistration.com) (look for bike a thon - it is under weekend retreats)
DONATIONS: We need is people to encourage sponsors ( family friends church members) to donate money to Luther Village
We have set up at SLAW youth team for donations:
To donate: Donate to Luther Village (campbraingiving.com) (in the box donation note: put SLAW youth team)
If you cannot ride but want to come and bring a lawn chair and show your support that's great
If you cannot ride but are able to collect some donations that would be awesome too
Please let me know if you are participating and if you have any questions.
You can follow us (we love new followers)
Instagram: slawg.jr .youth
Facebook: slawg.jr. youth
CLAY 2021 0n line event Auguust 20-22 2021- plans are in progress - watch for updates
As many of you know, SLAW youth were planning to go to the CLAY youth gathering last summer 2020. That event was postponed to 2021 due to Covid. With this summer's travel restrictions and gathering in large groups is still not possible CLAY will be an on line event from August 20-22 2021.
For many of our older youth this was their last chance to participate in a youth gathering. For some it would have been their first and only time to go. The hope is that in the summer of 2023 youth will be able to participate in an in-person CLAY gathering.
We are waiting to see if things improve as we get closer to August and are hoping that maybe our youth and leaders can meet outside and participate in the on line CLAY event together. While some plans are being made (if restrictions allow) at this point we cannot know what can/ will happen.
In a way to help keep our youth/ leaders and members of the congregation connected ,
We have come up with a plan called "SECRET CLAY PAL"
Here is where I need your help:
Looking for individuals, couples or families who are willing to sponsor one of our youth/ leaders, and to help make this CLAY experience a positive step in the faith journey of our young people and their leaders. We will need at least 25+ people so please consider this opportunity!
What would be expected from you:
-Contact me to let me know you are willing to help by Sunday June 13th
I will then send you a person with their name and address and a letter with more info/details
-Keep that person in your prayers
-Send/ mail a card / note to that person during the month of July (at least one) from their secret CLAY PAL
-Prepare a CLAY care package for that person for during CLAY August 20-22
treats, cookies, candies, fun socks - up to your imagination
-care packages ready for Thursday August 19th
these can be dropped off at church or arrange with me for pick up if needed
If interested, I will send you more details and suggestions for a care package.
Lisa van Dijk
Youth Ministry Coordinator
Abundant Life -Sherwood Park -St. Luke's Zion
(204) 293-6357
LUM (Lutheran Urban Ministry)
May 2021 News from your Ministry Manager
NOTE: Due to new Province of Manitoba outdoor gathering restrictions announced to begin on May 9th we are distributing the bagged lunches quickly to keep the church sidewalk line at less than 5 people. We are moving people along quickly so that if a line forms on the city sidewalk it is as short as possible and socially distanced.
Covid-19 Vaccination Clinic Info: Now open to all who self-identify as First Nations, Métis, or Inuit:
A vaccination is available without being asked to provide further proof. The following Indigenous clinics have times set aside for both appointments and walk-ins: On Mondays & Tuesdays both vaccine clinics in Winnipeg — located at the Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre (Win Gardner Place, 363 McGregor Ave.) and the Aboriginal Health and Wellness Centre (181 Higgins Ave.) are open exclusively for walk-ins.
Mother’s Day: we had lots of Moms (many with their children along), Grandmas/Kookums, and Aunties stopping by to pick up bagged lunches and a flower — all brought by the same congregation who has been faithfully in our website calendar for years on the second Sunday of every month. This congregation has three meal teams who take turns four times per year.
Meal Teams: The Urban is so grateful to all of our meal teams; and also to the congregation dropping off sandwiches at the end of every month for so many years; and we have so much gratitude as well as to our dedicated volunteer who, for more than ten years, makes wonderful lunches for our Wednesday men’s lunch.
Pandemic Notes: Until Further Notice: the Urban is continuing the suspension of all regular programming (sit-down community meals, coffee hours, sharing circles, men’s group, worship services, etc.) in the lower level of Lutheran Church of the Cross, due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation.
Struggling and vulnerable single people and families (in the same numbers as pre-pandemic times when we were open downstairs) are continuing to come to the Urban - bagged lunches 4x/week are distributed outside (Wednesday men’s lunch, Wednesday & Thursday supper times and Sunday lunch). Our meal teams are happy to help us in this way and we are so very grateful for this. Our website calendar shows available dates for meal teams. Fellowship is happening briefly in the parking lot as long as weather permits! Worship services and sharing circles will resume when the pandemic is over.
Mid-week and Sunday devotionals are emailed to me from Pastor Barry Bence, printed and tucked into lunch bags.
We have changed our pre-pandemic emergency food bags to an equitable “one food item” (if enough in our pantry) per person (two items if a family) once or twice each week during the distribution of bagged lunches. Gloves, socks, seasonal jackets etc. (and bi-weekly bread/pastries) are also distributed outside.
Masks and 2 m social distancing are mandatory on the church sidewalk and parking lot. The line sometimes overflows to the city sidewalk if necessary and all current gathering sizes are enforced as per provincial regulations. The Urban provides a disposable mask if needed.
The Lutheran Urban Ministry has so much gratitude for our volunteers and the meal teams; for the pantry donations, for the prayers; and for all those who donate financial support toward our operating expenses.
Our website: www.theurban.ca. Please keep our vulnerable Lutheran Urban Ministry community in your prayers.
Please contact me: rhonda@theurban.ca for additional information, or to have your meal team added to the calendar.
Kind regards, Rhonda Gorham,
Ministry Manager, Lutheran Urban Ministry Corp.
Registration is now OPEN for 2021 and the 2021 brochures are now available to pick up or you can view it online on the Luther Village website
www.luthervillage.ca New This Year! Register Online
Join us for the 35th Annual Bike/Dance/Walk/Hike/Paddle-a-thon
When: The ENTIRE month of June!
Where: Wherever you WANT!
Why: To help raise funds for the ministry of Luther Village
What: Cycle, walk, run, hike, paddle, jump rope, dance - just get your body moving for Luther Village! Being active outdoors is an essential part of camp and while you may not be able to be physically present at LV, you CAN be physically active with us in your heart! Pick the activity that makes your heart sing, set your goal and fund raise for LV at the same time!
Our Bike-a-thon is one of our largest fundraisers of the year and we still need your support to help keep the camp operating!
Here's how you can participate!
- Register before June 15th, 2021
There is no registration fee for 2021!
- Raise funds for the camp by directing your supports to our donation link on the main page of our website. Send the link to all your friends and family, add it to your social media, ask to be added to your church bulletin, and tell anyone that you can to donate in your name!
- Throughout the month of June - participate in the activity of your choice. Pick an activity and set a goal, then go for it! Post and tag us on social media when you are active.
- We will track your pledges for you and send you a weekly summary of where you are at with your fundraising goals! All your donors will get a Charitable Tax Receipt for their gift and if you raise over $100, you will get a FREE 2021 Luther Village Bike-a-thon Shirt
If you want to participate as a TEAM, you can still do that! Come up with a great team name and get EACH member of the team to register and indicate their Team Name on their registration form. Ask your community to donate to your Team Name instead of to you as individuals! Don’t forget to post on social medias!
| Luther Village (campbrainregistration.com)