Saturday, August 1st, 2020click here for past entriesBAPTISMS FOR AUGUST:
Inspired by the congregational pledge made in the service of Holy Baptism (see page 228, EvLW), we will be including names of those baptized at
St. Luke's Zion in our monthly newsletters.
We hope this will be a reminder to lift them up in prayer, wherever they may be in their faith-walk.
The following were baptized in the month of August in previous years:
Eric M. I. Jaidyn A. M. M. Edylen W.
Lauren C. M. Carsyn J. G. M.
Lauren E. B. Jordan D. S.
Nicholas J. T. Breanne N. H.
Ryan G. M. Abbigail L. D.
Please remember in your prayers our
shut-in’s in long term care:
Phyllis A. - Concordia Place
Laura G. - Red River Place, Selkirk
Doreen S. - Luther Home
Alfred T. - Red River Place, Selkirk
Melita T. - Luther Home
Alice V. - Middlechurch Home
We remember all those from the congregation who have gone to meet the Lord since April:
Irene Kapac (May 13)
Rod Peppler (June 22)
Natalie Ruff (July 5)
Norm Singbeil (July 21)
Rest eternal grant them, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon them.
We are going to try having worship outdoors on Sunday, August 16th. The plan is also to live stream it on Facebook as usual. At this point in time, we are not going to include communion or any shared food and drink. It will be bring your own seating (lawn chair or blanket) and bring your own (non-alcoholic) beverage (water, coffee, etc.).
Because we need to know how many people will be attending, and need to have a list of those who are present, please phone, email or text Joanne Janzen to register your intention to attend. Cell: 204-223-5187. Email:
Also, volunteers will be needed before, during, and after the service. If you would be willing to help, please let Pastor Lynne know.
If it is raining, please stay at home. We will then live stream worship indoors as usual.
When you think about gathering together for worship, what do you miss the most?
(Pastor Lynne welcomes your answers)
+ the food bank continues to operate every other Thursday at St. John’s Presbyterian Church
+ The Urban continues to hand out bagged meals and emergency food and hygiene items
+ The sermon and prayers are posted on our website weekly (
+ The mail is secure. It does not get delivered to the church door.
Since March 22nd our worship services have been live streamed online on the St. Luke’s Zion Facebook page. If you missed them, you are still able to view the videos if you have a Facebook account.
The worship services have been appreciated and welcomed by many.
We are blessed to have the technology to still be able to connect with our church family and beyond.
1. Sign up for PAR. This is an automatic debit on the 20th of each month. It costs 50 cents a month.
2. Give through the MNO synod website (mentioned below). However, Canada Helps receives 4% of each donation.
3. E-transfers are now available by contacting Sharon Appler.
4. Send in the mail.
5. Drop them off at the church.
Thank you!
An invite has been sent out to our Sunday School families and teachers for Sunday School via Google Classroom. Each week the lesson/video will be posted for your children to view. Download the Google Classroom app and enter the code that was emailed to you. If you have trouble accessing the classroom please email Joanne Janzen at Thank You
Sunday School afternoon get together:
We were planning a get together for July however due to unexpected health reasons this was not possible for July.
We are still planning a get together for August.
If you like you can send your August availability information to
Gift card raffle:
We will still plan to hold the raffle - just have the draw at a later date as tickets are ready and prizes have been purchased. Draw date TBA
Gift card raffle Prizes
1st prize $250 seasonal gift cards / 2nd prize Movie package / 3rd prize Chamois gold wash
Tickets are currently available by contacting Lisa van Dijk. Her cell # is 204-293-6357 and her email is - Tickets are $5.00 each.
Youth Yard Sale - will be postponed for now…we will do our best to still have one. We encourage you to keep saving your items. The new date TBA.
We are updating our email information so that the newsletters can be emailed to you all during this pandemic. We will continue to mail out to those who do not have internet. If we do not have your current information and you would like to be included please email your information to
Stay Safe!!! May God Bless You All
Due to the uncertainty of the CoVid19 situation the following information may change as the situation continues…
The 2020 Luther Village Guide is available online
Join us at Luther Village this Summer!
We are here and ready to host you at Luther Village! Join us for some fun in the sun this summer! We still have several openings for cabin and campground bookings! Check out our vacancy report and book your summer getaway today!
Remember to Social Distance!
We are so happy to have you out at camp! Please keep in mind that Ontario guidelines only allow for groups of 10 to gather both outdoors or indoors while practicing social distancing of 2 meters!
Luther Village Connection
Connection is such an important part of life. Luther Village alumni David Bragg shared a sermon about connection and his first time at Luther Village as a staff member in 2003! Feel free to give it a listen!
Order your 2020 Luther Village gear!
MNO SYNOD: COVID-19 Updates:
The Government of Manitoba has developed a more detailed set of guides for various gatherings--including faith-based gatherings. Rather than continuing to update the synod guidelines, we recommend these to you as you consider the needs in your context. We are available to help you and your congregation translate these guides to your specific situation.
This week phase 4 will come into effect in Manitoba--including an increase to gathering sizes for worship services.
The guidelines for Ontario can be found on this web site.
You can still reach us by email:
Donna Jackson:
Deacon Michelle Collins:
Bishop Jason Zinko:
Please continue to check the MNO Synod website and the ELCIC website for updates and resources.
If your congregation's worship information is not listed on the synod web page, please send it to Donna Jackson (
Join hundreds of youth from across Canada on August 22, 2020 for an online #EnRoute event that we are calling Journey Interrupted.
We are all on a journey. But, sometimes things don’t go according to plan… Jesus was on a journey too: a journey that led him up mountain passes and down wilderness trails; with plenty of interruptions along the way. What do the interruptions we face teach us about ourselves, where we’ve come from, where we are going, and where we belong?
The event will livestream on Instagram, Facebook and Youtube at:
4:00pm (Vancouver), 5:00pm (Calgary),
6:00pm (Winnipeg), 7:00pm (Toronto),
8:00pm (Halifax), 8:30pm (St. John’s)
Learn more at
*Until further notice, during the COVID-19 pandemic situation in Manitoba:* the Lutheran Urban Ministry has temporarily suspended all programs (sit-down community meals, coffee times, sharing circles, men's group, worship services, etc.).
Bagged lunches will be distributed at the door in place of our usual sit-down meal times (time schedule is posted on the side door).
Continuing: Winnipeg Harvest Foodbank at the Urban. Those registered for our 560 Arlington St. Winnipeg Harvest Foodbank will continue to pick up their hampers on foodbank days. However, each hamper is brought outside the side door to the recipient. Winnipeg Harvest has recently reduced foodbank dates to once a month. Please keep our vulnerable Lutheran Urban Ministry community in your prayers.
Please visit our website! (
Links to our 2020 Ride for Refuge fundraiser for the Urban - October 3! It’s exciting this year with lots of Freestyle options besides walking or riding! Join an Urban team, form an Urban team or donate to one of our participants! This is a national fundraiser for charities and non-profits working with the vulnerable and disadvantaged. Please contact me: for additional information, or to have your meal team added to the calendar
Kind regards, Rhonda Gorham
Ministry Manager, Lutheran Urban Ministry
Palliative Manitoba 2020 Grief Seminars:
Bereavement Services
Death is a natural part of life and finding one’s way through grief is to discover that there is no right or wrong way to grieve. Your experience of grief will be unique. Grieving is normal, but it can be difficult, and support after a loved one’s death can be helpful.
Telephone Bereavement Program
Palliative Manitoba offers one-to-one telephone support by trained volunteers for grieving individuals throughout Manitoba. This program offers a safe environment to grieving individuals where they can speak openly about their feelings. Each individual can expect to receive a weekly call from a trained volunteer once a match has been made. A match can last for 12 – 15 months.
Please note this is not a 24 hour service or a crisis line. This is not professional counselling but rather a friendly support. Clients will be matched with a volunteer following an intake with a Palliative Manitoba staff member. This may take several weeks to be assigned to a volunteer depending on how busy we are.
Please call our office for more information or to sign up for service at 204-889-8525.
For those in crisis please contact Klinic Crisis Line at 204-786-8686