Friday, May 1st, 2020click here for past entriesBAPTISMS FOR MAY:
Inspired by the congregational pledge made in the service of Holy Baptism (see page 228, EvLW), we will be including names of those baptized at
St. Luke's Zion in our monthly newsletters.
We hope this will be a reminder to lift them up in prayer, wherever they may be in their faith-walk.
The following were baptized in the month of May in previous years:
Brittney E. M.
Driano D. S.
Molly M. S.
Brooke D. A. W.
Chloe A. M.
Slater C. S.
Austin C. S.
Thompson M. W.
Jordan A. A.
Jaxon T. L.
Sharon E. A.
Tayla D. A
Nicholas W. E. S. .
Madelyn M. K.
Please remember in your prayers our
shut-in’s in long term care:
Phyllis A. - Concordia Place
Laura G. - Red River Place, Selkirk
Irene K. - River Park Gardens
Rod P. - Luther Home
Doreen S. - Luther Home
Alfred T. - Red River Place, Selkirk
Melita T. - Luther Home
Alice V. - Middlechurch Home
Since March 22nd our worship services have been live streamed online on the St. Luke’s Zion Facebook page. If you missed them, you are still able to view the videos if you have a Facebook account.
The worship services have been appreciated and welcomed by many.
We are blessed to have the technology to still be able to connect with our church family and beyond.
We are updating our email information so that the newsletters can be emailed to you all during this pandemic. We will continue to mail out to those who do not have internet.
If we do not have your current information and you would like to be included please email your information to
Stay Safe!!! May God Bless You All
1. Sign up for PAR. This is an automatic debit on the 20th of each month. It costs 50 cents a month.
2. Give through the MNO synod website (mentioned below). However, Canada Helps receives 4% of each donation.
3. E-transfers are now available by contacting Sharon Appler.
4. Send in the mail.
5. Drop them off at the church.
Please feel free to send in your pictures and stories of what you are doing at home these days.
We would love to hear from you all!
Due to the CoVid19 virus we were not able to hold our annual SLZ’s Got Talent & Luncheon at the church on Sunday, March 29th. We will still hold the Silent Auction when this pandemic is over. Date TBA
If you are interested, we can have the talent show on the St. Luke’s Zion Lutheran Church Facebook page. You can make a video of your talent and post it on your facebook page and share it to the church facebook page. Just remember that the church facebook page is public so if you don’t want your video out there then don’t post your video.
We do have people interested in doing it this way.
So, what do you say; are you in?
If you are interested please let Joanne Janzen know either by emailing the church at or
Unfortunately, this fundraiser will take longer than we thought due to the CoVid19 virus. We are asking you to please hold on to your rubber boots until after the pandemic is over. We will still be collecting monetary donations through offerings which can be included with your weekly/monthly offerings – just make sure you clearly mark that is it for the Sunday School Rubber Boot Fundraiser. We do have a number of pairs of boots and $95.00 in monetary donations to date; however, we are nowhere close to out goal which is to provide rubber boots to all the homeless who frequent the ‘Immaculate Conception Drop in Center’ located at Euclid & Austin St.
Thank You
Joanne Janzen, Sharon Appler & the Sunday School Children & Parents.
Due to the uncertainty of the CoVid19 situation the following information may change as the situation continues…
The 2020 Luther Village Guide is available online
How Long?
We are not including a May calendar because it would be full of question marks. For now, our worship continues to be available online, and our food bank continues to hand out food every other Thursday at St. John’s Presbyterian.
As to when we will be able to gather together for worship again, we are paying attention to public health orders and will certainly endeavour to let everybody know when we start gathering again in person on Sunday mornings.
May 31st - Youth Pentecost online service
Will be available online through Facebook and YouTube for all three congregations.
Gift card raffle
Since all churches are currently closed we will not be able to sell Spring raffle tickets on Sundays.
We will still plan to hold the raffle - just have the draw at a later date as tickets are ready and prizes have been purchased.
Gift card raffle Prizes
1st prize $250 seasonal gift cards
2nd prize Movie package
3rd prize Chamois gold wash
Tickets are currently available by contacting Lisa van Dijk. Her cell # is 204-293-6357 and her email is - Tickets are $5.00 each.
Yard Sale - will be postponed for now…we will do our best to still have one. We encourage you to keep saving your items. The new date TBA.
Thank You Lisa van Dijk
How Covid -19 has affected my life:
The Covid -19 illness, has affected me by not letting me go anywhere. I’m not allowed to do anything. I can’t go to school. Now I have online school. I can’t go see other people outside of my house, I can’t even go to church. It is just crazy how things like Covid-19 can start. The world can be a scary place sometimes.
Submitted by Ryan K.
SLAW YOUTH in the time of COVID-19:
It’s hard to believe that it’s been almost 6 weeks since we were last able to meet together as a congregation and as a youth group. It seems like one day we were meeting (worship movies and dance) and the very next day we had to make the very hard decision to suspend meeting in person.
We have postponed youth services, laser tag, retreats and even the yard sale. Everyone is dealing with losses, missing their friends, getting together with families and much more. It is important to recognize that everyone is dealing with this situation in their own and different ways. Youth and young adults are missing school and taking classes online. Many of our youth are graduating high school this year, missing senior year and those celebrations have been postponed.
We as leaders have been trying to find ways to stay connected to the youth and each other, though texts and emails, Instagram, snap chat and even snail mail. We have also tried to do some youth group stuff - Knowing that many people are going hungry during this time, we did a Service event - leaders delivered Easter treats safely to the door steps of the youth families and were able to collect over 250+ food items for Winnipeg Harvest and almost $200 in donations as well. We had a Zoom youth group night complete with an at home scavenger hunt with singing and prayer. We look forward to exploring new and interesting ways to be SLAW youth!
Two days ago, we received the news that CLAY 2020 youth gathering has officially been postponed until August of 2021. We all understand why and know we must do this to keep people safe. That doesn’t mean we are not disappointed, sad and even a little angry. We have been working toward this gathering for almost two years. Many fundraisers, hours of registration, plans made for the bus trip, working on encouraging as many as possible to come, building this “youth group” into a family. We will work hard to keep everyone encouraged, engaged and connected to SLAW youth.
“When they picked the theme of EnRoute, we knew we were going on a journey. Journeys often involve twists and turns. We will continue on this path, stay strong and start building excitement for CLAY 2021. Just like on the Road to Emmaus, we know Jesus walks with us on the journey.”
Submitted by Lisa van Dijk – youth ministry coordinator
COVID-19 Updates
The MNO Synod office will remain closed until April 29, 2020 in response to the latest public health orders and emergency orders issued by the governments of Manitoba and Ontario.
Update as of 4/20/2020: Ontario has extended the State of Emergency (which includes closure of churches) until May 12.
Our staff are working from home to support our ongoing ministry across MNO. You can reach them by email:
Donna Jackson:
Deacon Michelle Collins:
Bishop Jason Zinko:
Please continue to check the MNO Synod website and the ELCIC website for updates and resources. If your congregation's worship information is not listed on the synod web page, please send it to Donna Jackson (
April 2020 News from your Ministry Manager
This is an especially difficult time for our city’s most vulnerable citizens.
Suspended until further notice:
The Urban has suspended all regular programming (sit-down community meals, coffee hours, sharing circles, men’s group, worship services, etc.).
Postponed until further notice:
The remaining Thursday “Get Better Together” workshops (with lunch incl.) facilitated by the Wellness Institute.
The remaining “Mental Wellness Facilitated Co-ed Sharing Circles” (grant from WRHA, facilitated by the Canadian Mental Health Assoc.).
During these limiting and uncertain times, the Lutheran Urban Ministry is committed to continuing to help our Urban community in the best way that we are able to:
In place of the Wednesday Men’s Group Lunches, Wednesday & Thursday Community Suppers, and Sunday Lunches:
Bagged lunches (sandwiches, etc.) to take home are given outside the door in place of meals. Schedule is posted on the north side door of Lutheran Church of the Cross. Our meal teams are happy to help in this way and we are so grateful for this.
Winnipeg Harvest Foodbank at the Urban:
Those registered for Winnipeg Harvest Foodbank will continue to pick up their hampers on foodbank days. However, the hampers will be brought up to the side door to be distributed outside to the recipients. Foodbank dates will be posted on the schedule on the north side door.
Note: May & June dates TBD by Winnipeg Harvest.
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic situation in Manitoba, the Lutheran Urban Ministry is committed to enforcing 2 m social distancing and enforcing the City of Winnipeg Order of no more than nine individuals gathered at any time on the sidewalk or parking lot of Lutheran Church of the Cross during bagged lunch distribution.
Please keep our vulnerable Lutheran Urban Ministry community in your prayers.
Please visit our website! The website address is the same ( Christmas 2019 photos and the photos from our Healing through Art program are up on the website. Also, check out: The Lutheran Urban Ministry Short Documentary Film: Hope is Never Lost (12 minutes) captures the heart and soul of the Urban. View from our website or through YouTube:
Thank you to the meal teams who ensure that no one leaves the Urban hungry, and to all those who donate groceries for our emergency food. Our website calendar shows available dates for meal teams.
Please contact me: for additional information, or to have your meal team added to the calendar.
Kind regards, Rhonda Gorham Ministry Manager, Lutheran Urban Ministry
Palliative Manitoba 2020 Grief Seminars:
Bereavement Services
Death is a natural part of life and finding one’s way through grief is to discover that there is no right or wrong way to grieve. Your experience of grief will be unique. Grieving is normal, but it can be difficult, and support after a loved one’s death can be helpful.
Telephone Bereavement Program
Palliative Manitoba offers one-to-one telephone support by trained volunteers for grieving individuals throughout Manitoba. This program offers a safe environment to grieving individuals where they can speak openly about their feelings. Each individual can expect to receive a weekly call from a trained volunteer once a match has been made. A match can last for 12 – 15 months.
Please note this is not a 24 hour service or a crisis line. This is not professional counselling but rather a friendly support. Clients will be matched with a volunteer following an intake with a Palliative Manitoba staff member. This may take several weeks to be assigned to a volunteer depending on how busy we are.
Please call our office for more information or to sign up for service at 204-889-8525.
For those in crisis please contact Klinic Crisis Line at 204-786-8686