June Newsletter
Friday, June 1st, 2007click here for past entriesCONGREGATIONAL PICNIC
It is time again for the congregational picnic which is being held on June 3rd immediately following the service. Please bring a salad or dessert to share with everyone. Hot dogs and hamburgers will be provided. Also, if you have lawn chairs please bring them.
Top Ten Things You Need to Know about This Year's Yard Sale:
1. The sale is on Saturday, June 9th from 9:00 to 4:00, rain or shine
2. Items for the sale can be brought to the church between June 3rd and 9th
3. Opportunities to get involved are many: advertising, donating items, pricing, selling, setting up, cleaning up, organizing, delivering unsold items
4. Proceeds will be split between GHDA (explained below) and a new photocopier
5. There will be hotdogs and drinks IF there is a volunteer to organize this part
6. There will be a rainbow auction IF there is a volunteer to organize this part
7. The parts requiring the most volunteers are setting up before 9 a.m. and cleaning up at 4 p.m. on June 9th
8. Any items that are not sold will be taken to agencies such as the Salvation Army
9. Helping is a good workout, and it doesn't cost you a thing!
10. It's a great opportunity for fellowship, outreach and working together. The contact person is Rolf Salfert.
Proceeds of the Sale
The photocopier is fairly self-explanatory. We simply need a new one soon?..
As for the Global Hunger and Development Appeal (GHDA), this gives help to those in need both in Canada and around the world. 75% of the funds given to GHDA go to Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR). At the same time, GHDA supports social justice initiatives within Canada and local projects in each synod such as soup kitchens, out of the cold programs, school breakfast programs and community gardens. You can read more on the web at http://elcic.ca/ghda/index.html
The sale will support ministry both right here and around the world.
"The Foot of Calvary" C.D. has raised $2000.00 for New Life Ministries in memory of Rev. Harry Lehotsky.
We continue to marvel at how God has used this C.D. to reach many people with the gospel message and once again would like to give Him all the glory.
On behalf of Billious Pond and in Christ's love,
Bill Rumley
Enroll now for music instruction in piano, voice, guitar and baritone ukulele (baby guitar). Variety of styles - Ensemble playing - Recitals - Sight reading and Ear training.
Faith Peters A.R.C.T., B.A., R.M.T.A.
Phone: 338-6279
Upcoming Events:
- 21st Annual Bikeathon June 1 - 3
- 11th Annual Women's Retreat
June 8 - 10
- 3rd Annual Father/Son Canoe/Fishing
Weekend June 15 - 17
- Road Trip: June 16
- Small Fry Camp June 22 - 24
For more information about these events, please check out the poster our bulletin board or check out their website: www.luthervillage.ca