Sunday, May 1st, 2016click here for past entriesBAPTISMS FOR MAY:
Inspired by the congregational pledge made in the service of Holy Baptism (see page 228, EvLW), we will be including names of those baptized at St. Luke's Zion in our monthly newsletters.
We hope this will be a reminder to lift them up in prayer, wherever they may be in their faith-walk. The following were baptized in the month of May in previous years:
Brittney Eryn Driano Dominic
Molly Marie Brooke Dawn Adele
Chloe Anne Slater Clifford
Austin Chandler Thompson Matthew
Jordan Albert Jaxon Thomas
Sharon Esther Tayla Dawn
Please remember in your prayers our shut-in’s in long term care:
Helen – Holy Family Nursing Home
Irene - River Park Gardens
Elfrieda - Luther Home
Anna – Fred Douglas Lodge
Laura - Red River Place, Selkirk
Mary – Luther Home
Albert – Middlechurch Home
in making a pilgrimage to the Holy Land?
If so, please let Pastor Lynne know!
The following opportunities for service continue to be available. Can you help?
*Ministers of Transportation (People need rides to church!) *NEST Board Member *Choir Members *Sunday Servants
Please hand in any Items for the June newsletter by May 26th to Joanne Janzen or email to the church @ or to Thank You!
Pre-CLAY Event:
Sunday, May 29 - "Save the date" for a Pre-CLAY event in the afternoon and evening.
(See the FB-event page for more information)
There will be activities, orientation information for leaders, and Prairie Fire will be playing music.
Here is the latest news from the lakeside: The 53rd season of outdoor ministry is getting under way – for more than a week already. Some staff are out and preparing for the wonderful campers to come down that breath-taking hairpin and enjoy all we are planning to make this an exceptional season.
Here is the link to our newsletter – hot off the press.
Please take some time to meet the staff, catch up on news, and if you haven’t yet, plan for this years’ visit out to LV. Please note our Work Weekend date has changed and is NOT the typical Mothers Day weekend it has been for many years, so try to put it in your schedule to join us for that May 13-15, 2016.
As we are moving and settling in at camp, keep in mind if you are trying to reach us, it takes us another week or two to get connected back up to the world with technology, so please be patient if you don’t hear from us for a while.
PS…those anxious to know the ice-on-the-lake status…it’s melting and the prediction is the ice should be out by the weekend.
Kim Scherger
Executive Director
Luther Village Camp
winter office ph#: 204-783-3337
summer site ph#: 807-543-4052
year round ph# 204-898-4052
The Luther Village Board is looking for committee members, not as board members, to serve on the Program, Fundraising and Property committees. Are you willing to serve on a committee and to be involved with making things happen at/for Luther Village? We would love to have our community involved in some of the exciting things we have planned/ are brainstorming for LV. Let Kim ( or Dale know (
Find us on twitter and instagram: @luthervillager Or Like us on Facebook: Luther Village Camp
N.E.S.T. 2016 NEWS:
Update from the annual meeting held on Apr.26, 2016:
*Huge Heartfelt Thanks went out to the congregation of Kildonan United Church for their long and faithful support, also to Grace Lutheran for allowing NEST to hold regular meetings and other events at their church, and other help. Special thanks to the NEST executive and to all NEST members for all their work on behalf of NEST, and for their thoughtful, diligent and kindly support in so many ways; as well a very special thanks to two members who have retired from the executive, Russ Bennett and Larry Dreger.
Completed - Two sponsorships have officially ended in the past NEST fiscal year, since February 28, 2015.
Outstanding - At present NEST has four full sponsorships in various stages of processing by Canada lmmigration.
Active- NEST has one active sponsorship in Winnipeg.
*Three Citizenship Courts on March 9, March 24, and November 23, 2015 – NEST provided and served refreshments. Home baking is no longer allowed and NEST no longer brings spoken greetings with a brief outline of what we do; our written submission is read aloud by a Court official. Names of helpers must now be provided several days beforehand for security reasons.
*NEST’S Refugee Coordinator Jim Mair is Vice President of the Canadian Council for Refugees (CCR) and co-Chair of the Manitoba Refugee Sponsors (MRS). ln March he spoke about NEST at a Health Canada Office, and also at Alem Asghedom's Social Work class at the University of Manitoba.
*Two NEST Potluck Dinners - The Dinner at Kildonan United Church on May 3, 2015, featured a very interesting presentation by Rev. Deb Kerr from Lutheran Urban Ministry and entertainment by the Bahatizz Family Singers. At the NEST Potluck Dinner at St. Nicholas Church, in Narol, on February 21, 2016 young Shaden Abusaleh gave an excellent, very informative talk on the present situation in Syria and we enjoyed Esther Juce singing and playing the bandura. As usual, the food was delicious at both dinners and the hospitality was very warm.
*The NEST pamphlet was revised in May by Past Chair Annemarie Maclntosh.
*Canadian Council for Refugees Spring Consultation was held in Winnipeg on May 21-23, 2015. Jim and Ethel Mair, Doreen Thorlacius and Ursula Fuchs attended as members of NEST. FikreTsehai, Refugee Coordinator of CLWR, was in Winnipeg to attend the CCR Consultation, and we were very pleased to have him speak at the NEST May general meeting.
*The NEST Summer Picnic was hosted at Winnipeg Beach on August 15, 2015, by Winnipeg Beach United Church. They have generously done this every other year for many years. This time, our enjoyment of outdoor games and good food was interrupted by the early arrival of rain. Dessert and fellowship continued inside the church nearby, before we returned to Winnipeg on the chartered bus. The Outreach Committee at Winnipeg Beach kindly provided a basket of children's and other books to take home.
*At the CLWR Beaverbrae Reunion on October 3, 2O15, Koffi Sedzro spoke about life in a refugee camp, and Doreen spoke about NEST. Doreen also spoke about NEST and refugees to a school club at River Heights Junior High School in February 2016.
*NEST lncorporation - NEST became incorporated under the laws of the Province of Manitoba on October 26, 2O15 as the North End Sponsorship Team (N.E.S.T.) lnc.
*NEST's new legal mailing address is 211 Kimberly Avenue, Winnipeg MB R2K 0X3. In late February 2O16, NEST asked Grace Lutheran Church for permission
*Members of Grace Lutheran attended the NEST General Meeting in February 2016, because their church council is planning to sponsor a refugee family as a special outreach of the congregation, with some guidance and help from NEST. Fundraising is well underway and recruitment of caregivers will begin soon. Once these steps are completed, they plan to apply for a sponsorship through NEST.
*Presentation on Cameroon given by Pastor Lynne, Pastor Katharine Bergbusch on their trip to the Cameroon.
*2016 is NEST's 3Oth Anniversary Year! Many thanks for everyone who has inspired us and who has helped NEST in any way!
***Upcoming Events:
The next NEST General Meeting will be held on June 24th at 7:00 p.m. at Grace Lutheran Church.
Thank You for your prayers and support.
-Blessings! Dorothy Handkamer
LUTHER HOME: Luther Home Corporation
If you are interested in becoming a Corporation Member of Luther Home Corporation please contact Linda Kostiuk at 204-633-8635 or speak to me at church. I can provide you with a Membership Declaration form.
We are seeking those interested in furthering the Vision and Mission of Luther Home Corporation as a private, not-for-profit, faith-based organization. To become a corporation member you must be of legal age and not be a staff member of Luther Home. There is no membership fee.
As a Corporate Member you would receive communications and information regarding the annual general meeting, which is usually held on a Sunday afternoon in the later part of October. You would be eligible to vote at the annual general meeting.
We are also recruiting Board Members. If you are interested in becoming a board member, please submit a “letter of interest” outlining your area of expertise, to the Nomination Committee at Luther Home, 1081 Andrews St., Winnipeg, MB R2V 2G9
CLWR is Hiring!
a full-time Communications Manager at its Winnipeg office. Please circulate this job posting!
Inspired by God's love for humanity, Canadian Lutheran World Relief challenges the causes and responds to the consequences of human suffering and poverty, through community development, emergency relief, refugee resettlement and other programs.
Reporting to the Community Relations Director, the Communications Manager, a key member of the Community Relations Team, will work closely with the Community Relations Director in developing and implementing the Community Relations Communications and Resource Generation Plan.
The Communications Manager is responsible for the communications and promotional functions of the team, providing management of web-based communication tools, social media, and the promotional and design needs of the agency.
A full job description is posted on the bulletin board at SLZ or . To apply, please submit a cover letter and resume to by May 19, 2016.
CLWR: 600-177 Lombard Ave. Wpg. MB R3B 0W5
Phone: 204.694.5602 Toll-free: 1.800.661.2597 (CLWR)
Fax: 204.694.5460 Email:
Head office hours are 8:30-4:30 CT, Monday to Friday.
Providing a birthday party at Luther Home is in the early stages of planning where hopefully we will be able to take a turn.
Another idea for the ladies to do is a sewing club.
We will get together and brainstorm these two ideas.
All are welcome to join in. Watch for future updates
What If I got HIT by a Bus:
The Parish of St. Mary Magdalene will be hosting the next "What If I got HIT by a Bus" Seminar
May 21, 2016 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
This seminar will provide participants with a comprehensive resource for organizing one's personal wishes and information in a nonthreatening, user-friendly manual. This 2 hour seminar is geared at helping a person organize their personal information and wishes, and in turn ensuring that family members have this information at their finger-tips, thus reducing stress at a very stressful time.
Please see the links below for more information. St. Mary Magdalene's Parish would like to open this seminar up to neighbouring parishes.
If you are interested, please register using the brochure link below:
General Web page:
Seminar Information:
Brochure Link:
Mission Potluck Tour with Nuna (Now)
Touring Winnipeg and the Interlake in May/June 2016
One Trunk Theatre is pleased to be Nuna (Now)'s touring show for the 2016 Festival!
One Trunk’s hit Mission Potluck is back and more rambunctious than ever. Come and join us in Winnipeg or on the road this spring.
Mission Potluck flips history on its head in this play collectively created and performed by comediennes Claire Therese Friesen, Gwendolyn Collins, Andraea Sartison, Jacqueline Harding and Anna-Laure Koop.
Presented by Nuna (now) & One Trunk Theatre.
*May 26, 2016. First Lutheran Church. Winnipeg, MB.
*May 27-29, 2016. Aspyre Theatre. Gimli, MB.
*June 3, 2016. Riverton, MB.
*June 4, 2016. Arborg, MB.
Gloria Dei Lutheran Annual Garage Sale
Gloria Dei Lutheran (637 Buckingham Road in Charleswood) is having their annual Garage Sale (indoors) on May 13 and 14.
The Youth are also putting on a Bake Sale and BBQ.
Please drop in and check out the lightly used items up for sale, the yummy treats at the Bake Sale, and have lunch or supper at the BBQ.