Thursday, May 1st, 2014click here for past entriesLUTHERAN URBAN MINITRIES:
Mark your calendar!!!
Meal Team for LUM. Pastor Lynne is leading the service on Sunday, June 15. We take that opportunity to provide the noon meal for that day. We head to LutheranChurch of the Cross after our worship service that day. Watch the bulletin and poster for details so you can participate in this community mission.
Saturday, May 24 we will gather at the church for a Bible Study. We will meet at 11:00. Bring a bag lunch. Coffee, tea and dessert will be provided. There will also be a brief business portion. This group has been meeting for several years and enjoy an informal style. Our fellowship and Bible study provides a nice support for each other and additional faith development
opportunity. See you there.
Our Leaders for the LIT program this year are alumni: Caroline Wintoniw & Darin Hovius!
We still have room for a few more to participate, so send in your LIT application now. Get your form from our website and under the Leadership buttons is where you will find them.
LIT's must have completed at least grade 10 in June 2014. May 30-June 1 is the training weekend and July 20-25 is the Training Week, both out at LutherVillage. Following that is a Rotation week (details on our website and in our brochure.) Maximum 12 spots so don't delay!
We are in the process of moving out to the LutherVillage site for the season. Our opening has been delayed due to the weather. We are hopeful the rest of the snow will be gone within the week so we can get in and get ready for our first group.
Work Weekend
May 9-11, and people will be needed for our general opening due to our delayed opening. Please be in touchwith us if you wouldlike tovolunteer for this. Room and board provided.
Please remember in your prayers our shut-in’s in long term care:
Helen – Holy Family Nursing Home
Irene - River Park Gardens
Lilla - Luther Home
Have you recently lost a parent through death?
Or, feel in the middle of your parents' divorce or separation? Stressed about these losses? Fearful, angry, lonely, confused or depressed? Lots of people don't know these feelings
are normal
Come talk to others who really understand because they've been there.
Come to a Young Adult Beginning Experience (BE) weekend.
The next weekend retreat is May 23-25.
Register Now!
For more information, please call 204.275.3090
or visit
Next General Meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 27th at 7:00 pm at GraceLutheranChurch. All are welcome to attend.
Summer Picnic will be held at Little Mountain Park. Tentative date is July 19th with more information to follow.
Spring Potluck Supper
Will be held on Sunday, May 4th at 5 pm; at the KildonanUnitedChurch (187 Kilbride Ave)
Tickets: Adults $5.00 plus a supper dish and Children $2.00. See Dorothy Handkamer for tickets.
Steel Band Concert
Saturday, October 18 at 7 pm
The LivingChristCommunityChurch
(formerly Christ Lutheran) (815 Inkster)
Advil and Tylenol
Iodine and peroxide
Listerine and toothpaste
Medicines all
To fight my body's
aches and pains
infections and bruises
and innumerable germs' intrusions.
A healthy body is my desire.
A healthy person I need to be.
But more than that
I need a healthy spirit
I need that inner peace
That peace that passes all understanding.
Where do I find this heart's desire?
With the prophet, I cry:
"Is there no balm in Gilead?
Are there no doctors there?" (Jeremiah 8:22)
Listen, my friend.
What you are searching for
It cannot be bought.
It can only be found within yourself
You will find the answer to your search
In the words of repentance and forgiveness.
In the deeds of kindness and love.
In the touch of a comforting hand.
Act upon them.
The wise man declares:
"Kind words like honey are sweet to the taste and good for your health."
"Cheerful words are music to the soul."
These words of the Lord will be the answer to your cry.
These words will bring healing to your soul.
Amen. Amen.
Anna McDonald