Monday, July 1st, 2013click here for past entriesSummer Midweek Services
Beginning July 11 and through August, we'll gather at 7 pm around the firepit for evening services at Abundant Life Lutheran, 3486 Raleigh St, 1/2 km north of Hoddinott.
The third Thursday of each month we'll share Holy Communion. And on Aug 1, the youth will organize some family fun time before the start of the service (more details coming soon).
Bring a lawnchair, a cool drink to sip on, bug spray (?).
Outdoors, weather permitting. Indoors, if not.
All welcome.
Annemarie MacIntosh
Lord, help us to live so foolishly for you that we draw onlookers and those who would deride us. And while they watch and mock, change all our hearts that we might learn to laugh at the foolishness this world calls normal and run away with the circus that is real life. Amen. (CommonPrayer)
Please remember in your prayers our shut-in’s in long term care:
Helen – Holy Family Nursing Home
Irene - River Park Gardens
Lilla - Luther Home
Cameroon Visitors Denial of Visas
Our Companion Synod Committee has just been informed of the denial of visas for the four women whom we hoped to host in the MNO Synod this August 15-October 15. From the wording of the denials, it is clear that we are unable to pursue this any further in time for a successful visit this fall. As such, we will need to cancel the plans that have been made. The Committee is deeply disappointed, as are the women from Cameroon, and we know that all of you who had faithfully committed to hosting them in some way will also be disappointed. The Companion Synod committee will regroup in the fall to decide on what are possible next steps in our continuing partnership with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Cameroon.
Summer Worship at Luther Village
Beginning July 1 – September 2, we will be having worship services at Luther Village at 10:30 am; holy communion celebrated on the long weekends.
Our usual location for worship: THE BEACH! (in the chapel if inclement weather)
Prayer to Jesus
Present in the Eucharist
Jesus, you came into our world so that we may have new life in you. To preserve and to nourish this life, you are present in the Eucharist as our food.
Let your sustaining presence be felt by all those in distress. Let the weak and the sorely tempted feel the influence of your presence and believing in you. For those who have already come to you, grant them an abiding love, deep and strong. In the power of that love may they go forth to bring your love to others in need.
Relying on the power of your Precious Blood, we make this prayer in your name, Lord Jesus.