September Newsletter
Friday, September 1st, 2006click here for past entriesSUNDAY SCHOOL 1. We are always looking for willing teachers and helpers for our Sunday School. If you are being called to use your gifts in this area, please speak to Pastor Lynne or to Val Kunkel.
2. Registration is on Sunday, September 10th - the same day as the Corn & Wiener Roast. Worship is at 10:30 a.m., followed by lunch and some activities for the children. All are welcome!
FAREWELL TO SAMANTHA Our music director, Samantha Mather, will have her last Sunday with us on September 10th. We are grateful for the way in which she has shared her gifts with us over the past year or so. We will certainly miss her, but we also wish her well as she moves to Alberta. A search committee will be formed shortly to look for a new music director. For the short term, Donna Engel has agreed to help us out with the worship music for Sunday mornings.
LADIES' GROUP Summer is drawing to a close. Harvest is in full swing. It is now time for back to....Ladies' Group. The third Tuesday of the month - September 19 - 7:00 p.m. at the church. It is time to gather once again after an all too short summer. There will be plenty to discuss so come ready to share your ideas for the upcoming year. We will also be there to share and support and encourage each other in any way that we can. We will brew a pot of tea, put out a plate of cookies and sit down for some fellowship. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend. See you then ladies.
BISHOP'S ORDINATION Pastor Elaine Sauer will be ordained as Bishop of the Manitoba Northwestern Ontario Synod on Friday, September 15th at 7:30 p.m. at Faith Lutheran Church (1311 Dakota Street). All are welcome to attend.
PRAISE & PRAYER Praise & Prayer will be held on Sunday, September 24th at 7:00 p.m. Come on out and have fun singing your favourite songs.
OUTREACH: BILLIOUS POND Billious Pond will be appearing at the Gospel Jamboree in Moosehorn on Sunday, September 10th at 6:00 p.m. Events at the Beausejour and St. Laurent Gospel Festivals went very well, hence the invitation to Moosehorn.
METRO CONFERENCE CONVENTION The theme for this year's convention is Christian-Muslim Relations. The convention is open to all congregational members, with a registration fee of $10 for visitors. Our congregation is also eligible to send two delegates and one youth delegate. This year, the convention will be held on Saturday, September 30th at the Lutheran Church of the Cross (560 Arlington Street). Please speak to Pastor Lynne if you are interested in attending.
Upcoming events: 1. Golf Tournament Sept. 9 at 12 noon, Tuxedo Golf Course, $50 per person includes lunch, goodie bag & tax receipt
2. Mother & daughter retreat, Sept.29-Oct.1, $99 per person
3. Entertainment books are available for $25
4. Retreats: Junior Youth (Grs 7,8,9)-Sept.22-24; Senior Youth (Grs.10,11,12) Thanksgiving Weekend Oct.6-9; Young Adults (Post Secondary to age 29), Oct.13-15
5. Dinner & Dance Friday, Nov 17, $25 per person includes a $10 tax receipt
The book "The Lutheran Handbook" was used as the basis for our Bible study this spring. On completing this course, we felt that this book was so full of information that it was an excellent reference book for members of our congregation. The book is divided into: Church Stuff, Everyday Stuff, Bible Stuff, and Luther's Small Catechism.
Under Church Stuff, you will find these items: " A list of the important writings of the Lutheran Reformers; " A list of denominations in comparison to Lutherans; " A list of non-Christian religions in comparison to Lutherans; " The meaning of the seasons of the church year; " The meaning of the Lutheran seal (did you know that there was one?); " What is served at Lutheran potluck suppers (in the USA)?
Highlights from the section Everyday Stuff: " Helps on how to share your faith with others; " How to identify and avoid evil; " Helps in coping with loss and grief.
Bible Stuff includes many, many items of interest. Here are but a few: " The names of the various Bible translations; " The top ten villains in the Bible (e.g. 1 Kings 18:40); " Some funny Bible stories (e.g. Judges 6:11- 7:23); " Some gross Bible stories (e.g. Judges 3:12-34); " Many maps and diagrams such as maps of the Holy Land in Old Testament times and in New Testament times, and diagrams of Solomon's temple, Noah's ark, the ark of the temple, etc.
The last section is a book in itself. It is a copy of Luther's Small Catechism. Surely every Lutheran family should have a copy of this book in their home. It was written with the family in mind. It is important as we read Luther's explanation of the Ten Commandments that he reminds us that the Commandments are not only "do not" but just as importantly, "this do", all according to God's command. Just think how we every Sunday "confess" our faith in the words of the Apostles' Creed. Are we remembering all that these words mean? Luther's explanation of the Creed helps us to do this. Then there is the Lord's Prayer. Luther broadens our knowledge in what we are praying for, especially in the words "Give us this day our daily bread?".
In conclusion, I hope this article has whetted your appetite to read this book, "The Lutheran Handbook". For information how to obtain this book, please contact Pastor Moore.
Submitted by Anna McDonald