Friday, March 1st, 2013click here for past entries IN OUR PRAYERS:
Please remember in your prayers our shut-in’s in long term care:
Helen – Holy Family Nursing Home
Irene - River Park Gardens
Molly - Luther Home
Lilla - Luther Home
Following the recent Red Moon Road concert in support of CLWR, former members of the synod's music team, Prairie Fire got excited about a reunion for all former members. If you or someone you know has been a Prairie Fire member or Campus Ministry worship leader please send your contact information to Bishop Elaine by March 15th. The teams began in the early 1990's.
Pastor Lynne will be one of the dancers in this fundraiser for Luther Village on April 6, 2013 beginning at 7 pm at Notre Dame Recreation Centre. Are you willing to sponsor her? Tax receipts will be issued for donations of $10 or more, and donations of $20 or more allow you to give advice on what to wear. All proceeds go to Luther Village camp. Tickets for the event will be available at a price of $10 each. Judges for this event will be Ace Burpee, Chrissy Troy and Bishop Elaine.
Sunday of the Passion / Palm Sunday – March 24, 10:30 am
Maundy Thursday – March 28, 7:30 pm at Abundant Life
Good Friday – March 29, 7:30 pm – Tenebrae Service (at SLZ)
Easter Sunday – March 31, 10:30 am
9:00 am on Sunday, March 31st. All are welcome. Freewill offering.
“Thank you” for your continued prayers and support for NEST.
There has been no notice for current “arrivals”
We received word that our family-related sponsorship has been denied due to discrepancies following the initial request.
Also a denied request for a Columbian husband and father to join his family is being appealed. He was reported “missing” at the time of the initial application from Canada Immigration.
A student from Red River College has volunteered, and is in the process of updating the form of our WEBSITE. You can still email NEST at
Upcoming Events:
NEST General Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 26th, 2013 at 7:00 pm at Grace Lutheran Church.
Hosting Citizen Court Reception, Via Rail, Wednesday, March 26th, 2013.
NEST Annual Meeting will be held Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013 at 7:00 pm at Atlantic Garden City United Church.
NEST Potluck Dinner will be held Sunday, May 5th, 2013 at 5:00 pm at Kildonan United Church.
Please be sure to submit any items for April’s Newsletter no later than March 27th, 2013. When submitting the items to my email address: please indicate in the Re or Message line of your sent email to me, that it is pertaining to the Church’s Monthly Newsletter. An example could be: Re: Church Newsletter Material. You can also leave a message for Helen anytime at 338-1432.
Beginning Experience (BE) is a non-profit, peer support grief resolution program helping single-again persons deal with the natural grief process and offers an opportunity for turning pain from loss into an experience of positive growth. Program offers 10 week sessions, 3 times per year as well as two retreat weekends for adults.
Adult Retreat Weekend to be held March 15-17, 2013
For more information, please call 204-275-3090 or visit
'As the new month of March begins, our thoughts turn to spring and Easter. But with the coming of spring, one might also be thinking of spring cleaning. So instead of discarding any items of value, think about donating them to the St. Luke's Zion's yard sale which will be held on Saturday, June 15th. All money raised will go towards a new computer for the office, a trailer for the riding lawn mower and the youth.'
If you are interested in setting up or developing a Young Adult group in your congregation please contact Sarah If you already have a young adult group let me know! I'd love to come check it out! Do you know who has been accepted to go on The Plunge? Watch for an update and photos in the next few weeks!
Next coffee house
March 19th 7:30 p.m.
SAMs Place 159 Henderson Highway
August 25-28, 2013 @ Luther Village
Exploring baptismal identity with youth through the promises made on their behalf at their baptisms: to live among God's faithful people, worship, read scripture, pray, tell, care for others, work for justice and peace.
Luther Village staff provides meals, housing, recreation and congregational leaders provide transportation, learning sessions, adult supervision, community building, activity support as needed.
The invitation to participate is open to all MNO congregations with confirmation ministries. A brief meeting for those planning to attend will follow the March Metro ministerial (if you are in the vicinity). Other planning will be done via other media. Please contact Pastor Annemarie MacIntosh at 204.255.5433 or to confirm your participation or for more information.
To a Rock at Golgotha
What terrible things you must have witnessed
so many years ago.
The pounding.
The hammering.
The clanging.
The reverberations felt deep into the earth.
What a blessing that you do not have
eyes to see or ears to hear!
Yet, one has to wonder…
In spite of your tough exterior,
In spite of being so rock-solid,
In spite of your hard shell,
Do you still resonate?
The tremors must reach you;
The vibrations must come your way;
And when all creation groans,
you groan, too.
The stone the builders rejected –
that, you understand.
And “on this rock I will build my church” –
that, you understand, too!
You – a living, breathing piece of history –
May you witness living stones, as well!
Lynne Hutchison
August 2012