Sunday, January 1st, 2012click here for past entriesANNOUNCEMENT:
‘Back Pew Boys’ male voice community choir is looking for choristers 16 years-old and up. No training necessary. All levels of musical ability welcome. If you have a love of singing and a desire to learn a variety of music while having fun, we meet Thursday evenings @ 7pm in Selkirk, starting January 12/12. Contact Brian: 785-1422,
All 2011 reports from groups, committees and individuals should be submitted to Randy Iwanicki by Sunday, January 22nd. Our annual meeting is scheduled for Sunday, February 19th following worship & lunch.
A noon hour version of Alpha will begin on Wednesday, January 11th at 12 noon. This first installment will last for 6 weeks (until Lent begins). This is a DVD study and discussion that introduces the Christian faith to newcomers and serves as an excellent review for those who are already Christian. Please let Pastor Lynne know if you are planning on attending. We’ll meet from noon to 1:30 each Wednesday. Bring a bag lunch – coffee & tea are provided.
The next meeting is January 24th, 2012 at 7p.m. at Grace Lutheran Church located at 211 Kimberley Avenue
NEST appreciates your continued support – prayerfully and financially!
NEST would surely wish to see 2 or more “Reps” from St. Luke’s Zion! Currently we have Dorothy Handkamer who has been a representative for 25 years!
Several Fund raising events are being planned in the New Year.
1) Pot Luck Supper at Grace Lutheran Church – the date to be confirmed, likely in February.
2) Winnipeg Male Chorus, in March.
Where does the church find faithful rostered ministers (pastors and diaconal ministers)? The truth is that they all come from congregations like ours! Indeed, research indicates that the greatest influences on persons who hear the call to ordained or diaconal ministry are their pastor and their home congregation. Next Sunday you will be asked to participate in our church’s It’s Your Call programme. You will be asked to identify persons from our congregation whom you think have the gifts, and perhaps the call, to serve in ordained or diaconal ministry. Help someone else hear the message … It’s Your Call.
God is calling, but are we listening? Is our congregation encouraging members to hear and discern their call?
Once again this year our congregation is going to participate in the It’s Your Call programme. The purpose of It’s Your Call is to help congregations seek, identify and encourage women and men to become rostered ministers in our church.
Jesus’ words “the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few” ring particularly true for many of us. Several congregations in our synod are presently without pastoral support. At the same time our seminary has been experiencing a gradual decline in enrollment.
At our worship service on January 22, 2012, you will be given the opportunity to nominate members of our congregation whom you believe have the gifts for ordained ministry. Those nominated will be interviewed by the pastor/deacon who will ask if they are willing to have their name forwarded to our Synod Office as a possible future candidate for rostered ministry. Let’s all play a part in this crucial programme for our church … It’s Your Call.
Question: How do you make God laugh?
Answer: Tell Him your plans!!!!!!!
Please be sure to submit any items for February’s Newsletter no later than
January 22, 2012. When submitting the items to my email address: please indicate in the Re or Message line of your sent email to me that it is pertaining to the Church’s Monthly Newsletter. An example could be: Re: Church Newsletter Material.
Please remember in your prayers our members who are shut-in’s:
Helen - Seven Oaks
Charles - Concordia Place
Irene - River Park Gardens
Molly - Luther Home
Lilla - Luther Home
A “Festival of Prayer” will take place in Winnipeg January 22 – 29, 2012 to mark the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The theme for the week is “We will all be changed by the Victory of our Lord Jesus Christ” (cf. 1 Cor. 15:51-58). The Christians of Poland invite us to focus on the transformative power of faith in Christ. As we pray for and strive for unity, we open ourselves to each other, to offer gifts to and receive gifts from one another, so that we might truly enter into the new life in Christ, which is the only true victory.
The 2012 Festival of Prayer will begin with a City-wide Ecumenical Worship Service at 7:30 p.m. on Sunday January 22nd at Holy Ghost Roman Catholic Church, 341 Selkirk Avenue, Winnipeg. All are cordially invited to participate in this opening celebration with church leaders and to experience different Christian traditions in the various services that will be held throughout the Festival of Prayer. For more information, please see the “FESTIVAL OF PRAYER” poster on the church bulletin board.
New beginning January 2012
We are inviting all our campers to warm up your winter with worship in the same style as we have “beach worship” at LV! Lutheran Church of the Cross, 560 Arlington St. Winnipeg (where our winter camp office is!), has graciously agreed to let us use their building once a month for this. We will bring in guest pastors to preach (just like at camp), will celebrate communion (just like at camp), will sing lots of camp songs with guitars (just like at camp) and will share our LV style hospitality and ministry throughout this contemporary service (just like at camp)...and we may have some other surprises as part of our worship.
Mark these’s the 4th Sunday (not always the last Sunday) of January, February, March and April:
January 22, February 26, March 25, April 22 - Time: 6:30 PM
Bring along your family, friends and neighbours to join our camp-style worship, led by staff. An offering will be collected to support the ministry of Luther Village. Snack will follow the service...sorry, not in the Dining Hall but, downstairs. Please join us in this new venture of Luther Village. See you there. (Maybe you’ll want to leave your shoes at the door and pretend you can feel the sand in your toes...)
Maintenance Coordinator
We are looking to fill some of our head positions at Luther Village for this upcoming season, one is that of Maintenance Coordinator. It is great work that allows you to work in the great outdoors; is challenging and rewarding; two maintenance assistants work with you; the variety of work is amazing so you will never get bored! This position, head of our Maintenance/property department and is for approximately 6-6.5 months, beginning mid-April (weather permitting). The detailed job description is on our website; room & board included with salary which is dependent on experience. Send your resume & letter by February 28th, 2012, to Kim Scherger, Executive Director via email , fax: 204.774.4420 or mail. Luther Village 560 Arlington St. Wpg, MB R3G 1Z5