What do you think?
Take a look back at the Pastor’s Pages from May and June. If you no longer have a copy, you can find both pages on our website. Both pages invited your response (especially June’s), and Pastor Lynne would like to hear from you! J
Thursday Worship at Abundant Life
All are invited to join in at Abundant Life Lutheran Church in Bird’s Hill as they gather around the campfire for informal outdoor worship and story-telling on Thursday evenings at 7:30 pm in July & August. Details are posted on our bulletin board, and you can find Abundant Life at 3486 Raleigh St. (½ km north of Hoddinott Rd.).
Confirmation Camp
Our congregation will be participating in this camp at Luther Village for those entering grades 7, 8, or 9. The camp is from August 28-31. If you haven’t yet registered, speak to Pastor Lynne or to Kelly to come along!
Mark Your Calendars
Join us on Sunday, September 11th for our annual Corn & Wiener Roast following worship. All are welcome!
Noon Hour Bible Study
Pastor Lynne is considering offering a noon hour Bible study beginning in September. The study would be on either Tuesdays or Wednesdays at noon and would be “bring your own” bag lunch. The length of time would depend on people’s work schedules. Please let Pastor Lynne know if you would be interested, as well as which day works best for you,
Bathroom Reno’s
As you may have noticed, volunteers had been hard at work on the upstairs bathroom at the church—A big thank you to
Dennis Dreikluft and Don Edel who had contributed many hours of work! J
Sunday school staff
Many thanks to our dedicated Sunday school staff for all their work throughout the year. It is much appreciated!
Farmer’s Market
It’s the Urban Farmer's Market at the West Kildonan Community Centre, 346 Perth Avenue every Saturday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. (July 2 - Sept. 17). It includes fresh Manitoba produce, crafters, baking, and more. WKCC is 1 block west of Salter and 1 block north of Jefferson.
Thanks to Evelyn Roloff for this great info!
Looking ahead to fall 2011
Often one of the favorite parts of the national youth gatherings is the skits done by the drama teams. This year, National Youth Gathering drama team members Caroline Wintoniw and Martine Teetaert along with local drama leader Barret Miller are leading the Thanksgiving Retreat and would love to tell you all about the process of creating dramas. We will even be writing some scripts to use throughout the next year!
Don’t like the spotlight? All dramas need writers, directors, behind the scenes extras…you!
Thursday August 25, evening meal
Meet in the afternoon to prepare the meal.
Deliver, set up, serve, and clean up at The Urban in the evening.
Details on times, where to meet, and what to bring to be provided by Kelly Speak.
Two Opportunities for Summer Camp
Kelly Speak will be attending both!
Sr High (finished grade 9, 10, 11 or 12)
Luther Village – Got Camp?
August 14 – 20, 2011 Cost is: $383.07
Jr High (finished grade 6, 7 or 8)
Confirmation Camp at Luther Village
August 28 – 31, 2011 Cost is: $164.00