Tuesday, February 1st, 2011click here for past entries
Ladies of St Luke's Zion
We will be continuing our study of Women of the Bible. On Saturday, February 26 we will be led by Evelyn Roloff in a study of Esther.
This will be a home Bible Study at Laurel Armstrong's. We will gather at 10:30. Bible Study will start at 11:00 with lunch at 12:00.
Bring your own sandwich. Tea and coffee and desert will be provided. See you then....
Also get ready to make a Pentecost banner in March. We will be meeting on March 5 to start. More information on this will be coming.
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting for our congregation will be on Sunday,
February 13, 2011, following worship and lunch. Lunch will be a cold pot-luck (sandwiches & dainties). Annual reports will be available two weeks in advance of the meeting. Please read them ahead of time, as reports will not be read at the meeting. All members are encouraged to attend!
Benefit Concert for CLWR
The benefit concert, entitled “Love One Another: Sacred and Secular Love Songs,” will be held Sunday, February 6th at 7:00 pm at First Lutheran Church (580 Victor). The concert features Bishop Susan Johnson and Friends and supports Canadian Lutheran World Relief. A free will offering will be received.
A Phone Call of Thanks
Ray and I are passing along a message which was “Thank you”, and in so much
appreciation of the hamper and lovely gifts received from Zion Lutheran Church.
All the items were so much appreciated and really helped make their Christmas special.
This call was given from Kevin & Rechele Resler and their 4 children.
Lenten Services
This year, Lent begins later than usual, on Wednesday,March 9th (Ash Wednesday). This year, we will be sharing some of the services with Christ and Abundant Life – an extension of our partnership in youth ministry. However, most of the Wednesday evening services will be at St. Luke’s Zion. Stay tuned for more details as March approaches!
Lid Exchange
As was previously mentioned in our January newsletter we are asking once again to please check your glass lids at home:
At one of our potluck lunches in the first half of 2010, the glass lid to my crock pot was taken and someone else's lid was left behind. Unfortunately this lid doesn't fit my crock pot properly. Please check at home to see if you might have a lid that fits a 7-inch diameter and is slightly frosted on one half. Feel free to call me to arrange a trade-off (338-2729).
New Website for Luther Village
The Luther Village brochure is now available at Lutheran Churches in the synod. If you can't find one call (204.783.3337) or email (info@luthervillage.ca) the office and we will get one to you.
Items for the March newsletter can be given to Trish Rosolowich or emailed to: trishroso@shaw.ca by; Sunday, February 21st.
Thank you!
Trish Rosolowich
Mission Trips to New Orleans
Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ, The Lutheran Men in Mission of St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church of Steinbach are planning two Mission Trips to New Orleans in 2011: the first from Friday, Feb. 18th to Sunday, Feb. 27th, 2011, the second one from Friday, March 25th to Sunday, April 3rd, 2011. We would like to invite members of your congregation to join us. The bus has been booked and accommodations have been reserved. We will be staying at Camp Restore located at 9301 Chef Menteur Hwy., New Orleans, LA. www.camprestore.org
If you have been thinking about going to New Orleans, now is your opportunity. We have room for 35 volunteers on a first come, first serve basis. Cost is $400, which covers food and lodging in New Orleans, and helps with bus expense.
We would love to have volunteers, ages 18 and up, from your congregation join us as we prepare for our next mission trip to New Orleans.