January Newsletter
Sunday, January 1st, 2006click here for past entriesIT'S YOUR CALL God is calling, but are we listening? Is our congregation encouraging members to hear and discern their call? Once again this year our congregation is going to participate in the ELCIC's It's Your Call programme. The purpose of It's Your Call is to help congregations seek, identify and encourage women and men to become ordained pastors or lay diaconal ministers in our church. Jesus' words "the harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few" ring particularly true for many of us. Several parishes in our church are presently without a pastor. At the same time our seminaries have been experiencing a gradual decline in enrollment. At our worship service on January 15, 2006, you will be given the opportunity to nominate members of our congregation whom you believe have the gifts for ordained ministry. Those nominated will be interviewed by the pastor who will ask if they are willing to have their name forwarded to our Synod Office as a possible future candidate for ordained or lay diaconal ministry. Let's all play a part in this crucial programme for our church . . . It's Your Call.
CHURCH DIRECTORY PLEASE NOTE: The correct telephone number for Harry & Dorrie Kitchen is 697-2022.
BIBLE STUDY Bible study begins again on Thursday, January 26th at 7:30 p.m. All are welcome!
LUTHER VILLAGE NEWS The Luther Village Camp Annual 2006 Brochures are now available to plan your family, child or individual camping plans for next year! Please pick one up!
THE MITTEN TREE All items were distributed during the week of December 11th. This year, items were distributed to King Edward School, Lutheran Urban Mission Project, Food Bank and Christmas Hampers. Thank you is extended to everyone who knitted the many hats, mitts, scarves, slippers and sweaters. Your workmanship is wonderful and you will help keep many children warmer this winter. Thank you to those who donated wool or gave me money to purchase some. We are always looking for wool and knitters. Linda Edel
FOOD BANK A big "THANKS" is extended to the members who so faithfully continue to donate to our food bank every year. Your financial support and donations of canned items are very much appreciated by the people who need to access our food bank. Your encouraging words and prayers are also very much appreciated by our volunteers. Once again this year, treat bags were given to families who have children 12 and under. Many knitted hats, mitts and scarves were distributed on December 15th. A big THANK YOU is also extended to the members who have donated clothing, footwear and small household items. We continue to require these items in 2006. Linda Edel
FELLOWSHIP The church kitchen is in need of a 30 - 36 cup coffee pot. One broke last week, so it was decided that before a new one was purchased we would inquire if a member might have one in their residence, that they are no longer using. If anyone has one, that they would like to donate, please talk to Silvana or Laurel. A BIG THANKS to everyone who has brought baking and made coffee in 2005. Many of us look so forward to our "coffee time", after Sunday worship. It is so nice to spend time with our fellow members, enjoying some refreshments. If you can commit to a certain Sunday, please sign-up to bring baking and or serving and clean up. We are also looking for packages of cookies or cakes that we can serve on the Sundays when no one has committed. "Coffee Hour" is an event where everyone who attends, also needs to participate, even if only in a small way. Linda Edel
CHRISTMAS HAMPERS This year 18 hampers were distributed. A very big "Thank You" to the members who donated financially or brought bags full of canned items. A total of $665.00 was donated by some of our members, plus $300.00 was received from The Canadian German Society on Mountain and McGregor, two large boxes of canned food items was received from the residents of the Canadian German Manor. A big thank you is to be extended to the couple, who faithfully each year, donate a large bag of plush toys. A big thank you is extended to the person or persons who donated packages of new socks and kitchen linens. Knitted items were included in all the hampers that were for families. Thank you is also extended to Don and Sonia who helped us to shop and take all the food to the basement. Thanks to everyone who came out on Monday, December 12th to put the hampers together and deliver them. Laurel Armstrong & Linda Edel
Thank you from Pastor Lynne and Austin for all of your Christmas greetings and gifts. They are much appreciated!
The Annual Congregational Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, February 12th.
Sunday School classes start on January 15, 2006
ANNUAL REPORTS A reminder that all reports should be given to Don Edel by Sunday, January 22nd.
SUNDAY SCHOOL Thank you to Val Kunkel and all of the Sunday school teachers and students for all of their hard work on the Christmas Concert. It is much appreciated!
Bulletin Bloopers and Blunders
*Our next song is "Angels We Have Heard Get High."
*Don't let worry kill you--let the church help.
* Weight Watchers will meet a 7 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use large double door at the side entrance.
* Jean will be leading a weight-management series Wednesday nights. She's used the program herself and has been growing like crazy!
* The rosebud on the altar this morning is to announce the birth of David Alan Belzer, the sin of Rev. and Mrs. Julius Belzer.
* This being Easter Sunday, we will ask Mrs. Lewis to come forward and lay an egg on the altar.
* The service will close with "Little Drops of Water." One of the ladies will start quietly and the rest of the congregation will join in.
* The Rev. Adams spoke briefly, much to the delight of his audience.
* Pastor is on vacation. Massages can be given to church secretary.
FUN TRIVIA - taken from God's Devotional Book for Women
How much do you know about laughter?
" Humans are one of the only species that laugh. " The average adult laughs seventeen times a day. " Laughter is actually a complex response that involves many of the same skills used in solving problems. " There is strong evidence that laughter can improve health and help fight disease. " Evidence shows that laughter strengthens your immune system. " Laughter is thought to increase intellectual performance and boost information retention. " Laughter enhances creativity. " Laughter encourages teambuilding in the workplace. " Laughter is a major stress reliever. " Laughter increases joy and the sense of being alive!