A Litany of Thanks
Thursday, October 1st, 2009click here for past entries“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances” (1 Th. 5:16-18).
I am thankful for two legs and the ability to hike and to skate.
I am thankful for food and drink and a safe place to live.
I am thankful that God continues to provide all that is needed.
I am thankful for a car to drive and a bicycle and rollerblades.
I am thankful for mountains and forests and animals and all of God’s creation.
I am thankful for the people who have fed my spirit and spoken to me God’s Word of Life.
I am thankful for renewed perspective and opportunities for growth.
As I think about Jesus,
I am thankful that he was willing to give up so much for you and for me.
I am thankful that God loved us enough to send his Son.
I am thankful for the ways in which he reveals God to us.
I am thankful that he lives and continues to be with us through his Spirit.
I am thankful for the gifts of forgiveness and eternal life and salvation.
I am thankful for his incarnation, life, death and resurrection.
I am thankful for his continued intercession on our behalf.
I am thankful for his continued love and care for his body, the Church.
As I think about St. Luke’s Zion,
I am thankful for the many resources that we have – more than we are aware of!
I am thankful for all those who love Jesus and love their church.
I am thankful for all those who pray for their pastor and for their congregation.
I am thankful for all those who volunteer their time in so many different ways (shall I name some?).
Office work, music, singing, yard work, building maintenance, worship assistants, council members, ushers, coffee makers, goodie providers, food bank supporters, Sunday school teachers, financial record-keepers, treasurer, altar set-up, flowers, sending cards, banners, cooking, care home ministries, prison ministry, plays, food bank volunteers, concert organizers, Lutheran Urban Ministry, NEST (refugees), newsletter editor, youth leaders, cleaner-uppers, schedule makers, survey takers, phoners, visitors and website makers…
I am thankful for all those whom I forgot in the previous list
I am thankful for those who make a commitment and keep it.
I am thankful for those who commit their time, their talent and their treasure to Jesus Christ, helping to make him known through this congregation.
I am thankful for a good sense of humour and the ability to laugh.
I am thankful for all who exhibit the love of Christ.
I am thankful for you.
In Christ,
Pastor Lynne Hutchison