With Thanks
Wednesday, January 1st, 2025click here for past entriesThe stole I am describing this month was a gift from one of my mentors during my time at seminary. He had an extra white stole and passed this one on to me. There is a fair bit of gold on top of the white – a colour that is only used at Easter. However, white and gold are also used together at Christmas to represent both the purity and the majesty of Christ. He is, after all, a newborn king!
This stole also has some fish and some circles embroidered on it – representing the loaves and the fish at the feeding of the 5000. This particular “feeding” in the gospels is often connected to Holy Communion, as both begin with Jesus blessing and breaking the bread and giving it to his disciples (cf. Lk. 9:16; 22:19). Just as Jesus gives thanks over the bread and the cup, I give thanks for Pastor Fogleman, who mentored me and gave me this stole.
At the same time, I am thankful for so many of you – not mentioned here by name, but hopefully you know who you are!
- I am thankful for those who serve faithfully, giving of themselves for the work of the kingdom.
- I am thankful for those who take care of the church building – everything from catching mice to shoveling snow to making repairs.
- I am thankful for those who come early every Sunday, putting on the coffee so we can gather for a time of fellowship.
- I am thankful for those who make music – in the band and in the choir and in the congregation – and for those who play organ and piano.
- I am thankful for those who work at the food bank every other Thursday, making it possible for some who are hungry to gather some food
- I am thankful for those who have used their technical and computer skills to set up programs, and instruction manuals, and livestreams, teaching others what needs to be done.
- I am thankful for those who knit and bring food and clothing and support the Urban in various ways.
- I am thankful for those who work with the Sunday school and with our youth.
- I am thankful for those who keep in touch with those in need of some extra care.
- I am thankful for those who cook and bake and bring food to share.
- I am thankful for those who assist with worship – before, during, and after!
- I am thankful for those who look after the finances – counting offerings, keeping records, writing cheques, and so much more.
- Above all, I am thankful for those who reflect Christ in all that they do.
In Christ,
Pastor Lynne Hutchison