Sunday, December 1st, 2024click here for past entriesStoles and What They Mean, Part 2
“Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart.” -- Jesus (Matthew 11:29)
A stole is essentially a strip of fabric used as an ecclesiastical vestment (although the first definition that pops up is a woman’s long scarf or shawl worn loosely over the shoulders!). A stole is usually the colour of the season in the church year. The stole I am describing today is royal blue, which is used only during the season of Advent. This colour symbolizes hope – the colour of the sky just before the dawn.
The stole symbolizes the yoke of Christ – an image that likely originated with animals being yoked together in order to do farm work. To be yoked with Christ is (hopefully) to be working in tandem with Jesus. Jewish rabbis spoke about the yoke of the Law (or Torah) – also meant to keep people working in tandem with God. Jesus, however, boiled the Law down to two related commandments: to love God with your whole heart and soul and mind and to love your neighbour as yourself (Mt. 22:37-40). This is the “easier” yoke described in Matthew 11.
The stole pictured here was a gift from a family friend when I was ordained. As her daughter was also studying to become a pastor, she managed to find a stole that actually hangs properly on a woman without being tied down. For this reason, I have continued wearing it, in spite of the fact that St. Luke’s Zion has a blue stole that matches the altar paraments.
The images on this particular stole are simple yet profound. The cross on the left side is brighter than the circle (or halo) behind the top of it. This is appropriate during Advent, which begins with descriptions of the sun and moon being darkened at the time of Christ’s final appearing. One can also see echoes of the star of Bethlehem in the cross, as the bottom becomes wider and brighter.
The design on the right is simply some swirls – which suggest any number of things. Some of the things that come to mind are the waters of the Jordan River where John was baptizing, the clouds when Christ comes again, the gates that “lift up their heads” to welcome the King of Glory, or even heaven and earth coming together in the child to be born to Mary.
Every time I put on this stole, I am reminded of where it came from, as well as the call to share the gospel, and the call to be working in tandem with Jesus, living the law of love.
In Christ,
Pastor Lynne Hutchison