Open for Thanksgiving!
Friday, October 1st, 2021click here for past entriesAt long last, enough people have been vaccinated that we can be open for “in person” worship! We have been gradually working on getting things ready, and have come up with a St. Luke’s Zion Covid Covenant (included in the Oct. newsletter) that will guide our worship going forward. It will not look the same as worship did before, but those who are ready to come can come!
At the same time, we will continue to livestream our worship services. This is important for those who are not able to come to worship for various reasons. For example, those who are teaching Sunday school, or who work on Sundays, or who have symptoms and need to stay home, can still worship with us.
As we make this transition to what some are calling “hybrid” worship, it is a good opportunity to look back and give thanks, even as we look ahead to our needs in the coming months. I would like to personally thank all those who have assisted with our online services over the past 18 months or so – both those behind the scenes and those who have read or sung or played for worship.
I would also like to thank those who faithfully came to the church each week to count the offering, make repairs, do the necessary maintenance, and keep track of the finances. Thank you, too, to all those who have continued to support the ministry of this congregation by either sending or bringing regular offerings!
As we look to the months ahead, we will continue to need faithful volunteers as well as regular financial support. As of the end of August, we are over $13,000 short in meeting our actual expenses. At the same time, some of the volunteers we need will have different duties than they had before. Some of the people we will need include ushers, counters (offering), readers, video, projector, acolytes/bell ringers, and possibly others that I haven’t even thought of yet.
In reality, whether we are worshiping online or in person, no congregation is able to engage in ministry without all of the members working together (cf. 1 Cor. 12). Thus, I continue to give thanks for all of you as you give your time, talents and treasures.
One of the things that some might wonder about is bringing your own communion elements (bread and wine or juice). There are at least a couple of reasons why you might want to do this. One would be if you have food allergies and cannot have either the wafers or the grape juice that come with the pre-filled cups. Another reason to bring your own would be to reduce the amount of plastic waste that we are producing. However, the pre-filled cups will be available for those who wish to make use of them.
Please take some time to read and reflect on the Covid Covenant and to consider how you might be able to share your time and talents in the months ahead. We are all navigating uncharted waters right now, and it will take some time to figure things out. Thankfully, however, we worship and serve the one who has power – not only over the wind and the waves, but over life and health and salvation. Thanks be to God, through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
In Christ,
Pastor Lynne Hutchison