Monday, February 1st, 2016click here for past entriesAuthorized Lay Ministries
This is (possibly) the last in a series of articles about some of the key motions passed at our 2015 National Convention in Edmonton. One of these motions approved a policy for Authorized Lay Ministries within the ELCIC. What this means is that, in certain rare circumstances, lay people would be authorized to preach and preside at Holy Communion.
In most instances, this would happen in remote settings where there are no ordained pastors available. Such authorization would be given only after preparation in such areas as Scripture, Lutheran Confessions, preaching, worship, and appropriate boundaries. Authorized Lay Ministers would be appointed for one-year renewable terms. You can find the full policy on the ELCIC website ( or in the binder of convention resolutions in the narthex.
While this policy has come into being in response to the needs of God’s people in remote settings, it also highlights a very simple truth: There are many lay people in our congregations who have been given gifts for ministry. God’s Spirit is at work in many different people, in many different vocations, and with many different gifts. As a pastor, I often wonder how these gifts can be identified and used in God’s service.
Not everybody has been given gifts for preaching, but some have. Not everybody is able to lead a small group or to teach a class, but some are more than capable. Not everybody is given the care and compassion needed to visit the sick, but some are. Not everybody can inspire with music or art work or writing, but some can.
What are the gifts that God has given to you, and have you been able to find ways to make use of those gifts in God’s service?
Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good (1 Cor. 12:4-7).
I happen to know that there are many of you who make use of the gifts that God has given you on a regular basis and who are engaged in ministry. Blessings to you as you serve God and God’s people!
I also know that there are many who are unsure of what their gifts are or of what they might have to offer. The challenge for all of us is to be constantly in prayer – asking God to show us what it is that we are being called to do. For most people, this changes over time. God might call you to one form of service for a certain season in your life and then call you to something else at a different time. It is all part of continuing to learn and to grow in our faith as we experience and see what God is able to do through us.
When Paul wrote to the church at Corinth, he emphasized how every member is needed in order for the body of Christ to function effectively. He also reminded them of how God gives the Spirit to each person for the good of all. What is the Holy Spirit wanting to do in and through you this month?
In Christ,
Pastor Lynne Hutchison