Thursday, October 1st, 2015click here for past entriesThe Reformation Challenge
Over the next few months, I will be highlighting some of the topics that were addressed at the ELCIC Convention this past summer and how they relate to us. Since Reformation Sunday is October 25th, this month seemed a good time to think about the Reformation Challenge.
The thing is that October 31, 2017 marks the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. That is the date in 1517 when Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the church door in Wittenberg. Many of those theses were related to the sale of indulgences – certificates that you could purchase in order to assure your own salvation or the salvation of others who had already died. Essentially, salvation had been turned into a commodity when really it is a gift of God.
Hence, the theme “Liberated by God’s Grace” and its three sub-themes: Salvation – not for Sale! Creation – not for Sale! Human Beings – not for Sale! It is out of this theme and sub-themes that the goals of the Reformation Challenge emerge.
The first part of this challenge that has been issued to all members of the ELCIC is to sponsor 500 refugees to Canada (Human beings – not for Sale!). This is between now and 2017. It costs about $6000 to sponsor one person as a refugee. Thus, to sponsor a family of four would be more like $24,000.
This could happen through getting involved with NEST (North End Sponsorship Team). A partnership could be formed with other congregations or individuals (St. John, Rosenfeld has already indicated they are looking for a partner). In either case, support and guidance is provided by CLWR. While we have no control over government quotas for refugees, we could help with those who are being allowed into Canada.
The second part of the challenge is to plant 500,000 trees (Creation – not for Sale!). This could be in Canada or around the world. Opportunities to support tree planting in Palestine or in Ethiopia have been outlined in the Reformation Challenge brochure. Undoubtedly you could find other ways to support this challenge as well.
The third part of the challenge is to provide 500 scholarships for ELCJHL schools (that’s the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land!). In this case, $1400 sends a student to school for one year. I have seen at least one person suggest that he will ask for money instead of gifts for birthdays, Christmas, etc. in order to raise enough to provide one scholarship. “Investing in a student’s future and forming leaders dedicated to peace is a tangible expression that human beings are not for sale.”
And finally, the fourth part of the challenge is to raise $500,000 for the LWF Endowment Fund (Lutheran World Federation). The projects supported by this fund include advocacy, community development, human rights, and humanitarian assistance. It helps in continuing to share the good news internationally that salvation is not for sale.
And so, here is your invitation to join the Reformation Challenge! How might we share God’s love and grace over the next two years?
In Christ,
Pastor Lynne Hutchison