Wednesday, October 1st, 2014click here for past entriesWhat is God’s Purpose Here?
Beginning last year with a small group study, and continuing at a congregational retreat in May, we have been working on the purpose and guiding principles for St. Luke’s Zion. This work has been rooted and grounded in a study of the book of Acts, particularly chapters 2, 10 and 16. In each case we asked what God was doing, what the people of faith were doing, and what lessons can be learned from each of those chapters. We also asked what principles were guiding them as they made their decisions. The answers to these questions, as well as much of the work from the congregational retreat, remain on display on the basement walls.
So why would we bother to work on these things? Why would we want to be clear about the purpose and guiding principles for St. Luke’s Zion?
In a study of ELCA Lutheran churches in the U.S., there were only two factors that set apart vibrant and growing congregations from those that were declining. It had nothing to do with the type of music, or marketing strategies, or adding new programs, or even an emphasis on evangelism. The two things that set apart the vibrant congregations were these: A clear sense of purpose, and an openness to change in order to be faithful. That was it. And that is why being clear about our purpose is important.
However, this doesn’t happen without as many people as possible being involved in the discussion. As a follow-up to the retreat, we have now come up with a proposed purpose and guiding principles to be studied and discussed. These have come out of our study of the book of Acts, as well as discussion at the retreat and afterwards. In the coming weeks and months there will be opportunities to sign up for small group discussion times. Please participate in at least one of these discussions!
The purpose and guiding principles are not intended to be discussed and then forgotten, but to be used all the time – especially when making decisions as a congregation. We would be asking questions like: How does this help us to fulfill our purpose? How do we follow our guiding principles in this situation? Our decisions would be based on our part in God’s mission in the world and on our study of the Scriptures, and not just on our opinions at the time.
And so, in order that you can start thinking and discussing, here is our proposed purpose and guiding principles:
Our purpose is to share God’s love with all people.
Guiding Principles:
- Jesus is Lord and Saviour.
- Prayer and worship strengthen us.
- Faith is expressed in action, compassion and sharing.
- All people are welcome through God’s grace.
- Jesus forgives, heals, and sets free.
- We trust in God and are open to the Holy Spirit.
Pray, and study, and discuss!
In Christ,
Pastor Lynne Hutchison