Friday, March 1st, 2013click here for past entriesPastor’s Page
How Excited are You?
As is pointed out by Lee Strobel in The Case for Easter, some of the strongest evidence in favour of the resurrection of Jesus is the behaviour of the disciples in the weeks and months that followed. Disciples who previously were fearful and uneducated and confused suddenly became powerful preachers and healers and evangelists. In fact, they were so sure that Jesus is alive that they were willing to risk their lives and give up everything in order to share the news of his resurrection with others.
To say that they were fully committed to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ is a bit of an understatement. Without a doubt, they put their whole selves in – and the power of the Holy Spirit continued to inspire them and empower them for all that God had in mind for them to do.
It strikes me that, to look at many Christians today, one might think that Jesus is no longer alive and that the Holy Spirit is taking a rest. People maybe attend worship – but not too often. People put a little bit in the offering – but not too much. People maybe come to the odd event – but wouldn’t want to get too involved. For many, they expect the church to be there when they feel the need, but don’t support it most of the time with their time or talent or treasures.
Recently I heard a comment suggesting that Lutherans are perhaps particularly lukewarm in their faith. A comparison was made between Luther Village and another Bible camp in Manitoba. This particular Bible camp is about the same size as Luther Village and is supported by six Baptist congregations, who also subsidize registration fees in order for children to attend. Luther Village, on the other hand, is theoretically supported by 60 Lutheran congregations, yet is always short of funds and needing to do fundraisers to stay afloat. Is there a difference in the level of commitment to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ, or is there some other reason?
This is not to “dis” Lutherans, but simply to make some observations that lead to some questions. For you personally, how excited are you about your faith and your church? How committed are you to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ in as many ways as possible? Have you experienced the reality of the risen Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit? If not, why not?
This is not to say that there are none among us who have a strong level of commitment and who share the good news of Jesus with others. In fact, I give thanks for every person here who lives as if they believe in Jesus Christ. At the same time, I am aware of a good deal of apathy and non-committal responses.
What I would really like to know from you is what would get you excited about your faith? What would lead you to commit yourself to making Christ known in as many ways as possible? What would help you to know that Jesus is alive and to experience the power of the Holy Spirit?
After all, our faith is all about resurrection and new life, and the One who is crucified and risen continues to change hearts and lives. May we also be among those who experience the abundant life that Christ brings!
In Christ,
Pastor Lynne Hutchison