Tuesday, January 1st, 2013click here for past entriesConfirmation Speeches
On October 28, 2012, five young women affirmed their baptism here at St. Luke’s Zion. They have given me permission to share their speeches with you. Thank you to each of them for their willingness to share their faith in this way.
– Pastor Lynne
Because I believe in Jesus, my life is different than it would be without that faith. Here’s how it’s different. One thing that has strengthened my faith was the CLAY Youth gathering I attended this summer in Saskatoon. I felt that I learned so much about God through the speeches, the lessons and the music. I learned that where ever we may be in the world and in any position, we can always count on God to be there for us and protect us. In fear and in doubt, God will lead us down the right path. I am also so blessed to have met so many new people through youth and have gotten closer to all the youth in my church. I couldn’t imagine my life without church and especially these youth events we have. I would’ve never gotten to know so many incredible people that I have become so close to. All these opportunities and much more, I would’ve never experienced if I wasn’t a follower of Jesus, a believer of God. God is like our best friend someone who we can ask for help, someone who gives us hope and love and if we didn’t believe or have faith we wouldn’t have someone we can count on to be there. God helps us to grow in our faith and love in one another and for one another. I can’t wait to continue going to church and getting more involved within the church and with youth events.
“Because I believe in Jesus, my life is different than it would be without that faith. Here’s how it is different:” Jesus has been in my life since the day I was born. My parents brought me to church faithfully, I attended Sunday school through my early years, and I went to confirmation for the last 2 years. Now I am here getting confirmed. I feel that I am stronger than others with Jesus in my life because I always have Jesus to give me strength and to help me through rough times. I feel happy to be who I am and happy with my life because I know that Jesus is always there for me. I know that I can pray to God when I am in need and he will answer my prayers. I live my life by following the Ten Commandments. I stay out of trouble, respect others, help others, I do not use God’s name in vain, I have shared the word of God with others, and always try to live my life as God would want me to. I love to give. I am not concerned about receiving. I am happy for others for what they have, not wishing that I could have what they have. I love my family and I do my best to make them proud of me in what I do. I go to church, to strengthen my faith in God. Watching other people who do not have Jesus in their lives, I can see how my life would be different without Jesus. As I look around me, I see those who do not have faith in their lives or believe in Jesus. They do not go to church, and their faith is very weak. They don’t live their lives as Jesus would want them to.
I am not perfect, but I try my best to be a servant of God and live my life as Jesus would want me to. I am grateful to have Jesus in my life to guide me, watch over me, and be there for me. I will continue to strengthen my faith and be a part of the church. Thanks Be To God.
Because I believe in Jesus, my life is different than it would be without faith. It would be different because I know that He will always be there for me, when I need it, and even when I don’t need it. I know that He will be there for me when I’m hurt, or during all the tough times in my life. I know that He will protect me in the time of need and I will know that He will always be there for me. He will help me with my learning, education, and making the right choices. Even if I make the not so good choices, He will help me learn from my mistakes. Me believing in Jesus has given me strength, to not worry about what people think of me, and not judging people. He has given me hope, to always go to my best abilities. He has given me love, to treat people how I would want to be treated. And He has given me peace, to respect people around me. Me believing in Jesus has helped me think of the positive. Not thinking about the past’s bad memories, but the good memories. He has helped free me from the anger, guilt and the negative. My life would definitely be different if I didn’t believe in Jesus because I know now, that there will always be someone there for me, anytime, anywhere. He will always be there for me because Jesus is my Lord.
Because I believe in Jesus, my life is different than it would be without that faith. Here’s how it’s different. I feel that because I believe in Jesus I have a better outlook on life that guides me to make better choices. I feel that people that don’t have Jesus in their life are lost in a way, because they don’t know that God loves them and always will. That is why I believe in Jesus is because he guides me through life. One example is all the friends that I made that I wouldn’t have met if I didn’t go to church or youth gatherings. Another example is the opportunities that I have been able to take because I believe in God. A couple of them are traveling through Canada with other youth members, and going to bible camps. These opportunities are what made my faith stronger. One thing that I thought was very effective is the bible camp that I go to every summer. It amazed me how other kids that were my age were so close with God. I remember one summer that I was there, half of the camp (including me) lost their voices from singing the songs that we sung during chapel so loudly. That camp was one of the best experiences in my life. In the future I know that I will always love Jesus and know that he loves me to.
Because I believe in Jesus, my Life is much more different than it would be without believing in him. There are many different things that make my life different, like the fact that I get to come to church every Sunday and worship Jesus and God, and know that when I have sinned, I will always be forgiven. Jesus’ words have taught me to love who I am, love what God has given me, and love others. I have built a stronger relationship with Jesus, by coming to church, and joining confirmation, going to youth led worship services, and learning about God’s words. I always know that when I am in darkness, God will bring me light. When I am in sorrow, God will bring me joy. I am so grateful to build amazing relationships with all of the people I have met while on my continuing journey with Christ. I always know that Jesus loves me, even when I am wrong, and he loves me when I am right. These past two years, I have been so happy getting to know people like Kelly, Pastor Lynne, Pastor Peter, and Pastor Annemarie. I am so lucky to have made new friends from different congregations around Winnipeg. I intend to proceed in my journey in Christ, and see where his teachings will take me. Thank you.