Tuesday, May 1st, 2012click here for past entriesServe One Another
Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received (1 Pet. 4:10).
For some reason, I had never noticed this passage from 1 Peter before. The verses around it (8-11) have much to say about being part of a Christian community: Love one another. Be hospitable to one another. Serve “with the strength that God supplies, so that God may be glorified in all things through Jesus Christ” (v. 11). This is what life together in the body of Christ should look like.
However, Nicky Gumbel (from the Alpha course) talks about how many people in the church are “unemployed.” This can mean one of two things: Either they simply don’t use their gifts, or their gifts are not accepted and put to work by others in the church. The result can sometimes be like a soccer or rugby game, with several thousand people who desperately need exercise sitting there watching, and 22 people on the field who desperately need a rest!
The truth is that every single one of you has received at least one gift (and often more!) from the Holy Spirit that is intended to be put to work for the glory of God in service to others. While some gifts are named in the Scriptures (like teaching or wisdom or healing or encouraging others), none of the lists in the Bible are exhaustive. Every single person has something to offer in God’s service, and the body of Christ only functions properly when all of the members are using their gifts and taking their instructions from Jesus, who is the head.
As I contemplate beginning a sabbatical leave on May 1st, I am thankful for those of you who are stepping in and helping out while I am away. Some are taking on new responsibilities, while others are continuing to serve faithfully as they have been all along. Joanne will be looking after things in the office, and Helen the newsletter. Randy, Laurel, Don or Joanne will be handling calendar bookings, or key arrangements, or letting service people into the church. Meanwhile, Rolf is organizing the Yard Sale, the Sunday school staff is ably working on the picnic, Betty is taking over the end of the Alpha course, and Kelly will look after registration for confirmation camp. And thank you to all of you who continue to assist with worship and in so many other areas!
After almost 14 years here, I have been feeling like one of those people on the field in desperate need of a rest. And so, I thank you for the gift of Sabbath time for rest and renewal. This break will allow me to re-focus and to come back with renewed energy and enthusiasm for ministry.
Part of this renewal will take place in Jerusalem, as I attend a two-week study tour based out of St. George’s College. I will also be able to visit friends in Switzerland on the way there, as well as on the way back to Winnipeg. In addition, I am hoping that I will begin to feel like writing again, as an idea for a Christmas play has been sitting on my desk for a few months already. While it will be strange to be away for this length of time, I trust that God will continue to strengthen and renew all of us.
I am grateful to Pastor Don Engel for filling in for me during my sabbatical, as well as to the others who will lead you in worship. Please continue to worship and to meet together. Your brothers and sisters in Christ need you!
In Christ,
Pastor Lynne Hutchison