Worshiping Together
Saturday, October 1st, 2011click here for past entries“The Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before him!” (Hab. 2:20)
When somebody enters the church for worship, there are at least two different qualities that we might want the sanctuary to have. First, it is a holy place – a place where God is present and God is worshiped. However, we would also want it to be a welcoming place – a place where people feel accepted and at ease. Sometimes, though, these two things seem to be at odds with one another.
Consider the following scenario. A person has come into worship and wants to be quiet, and focus on God’s presence, and pray, and listen to the music. Nearby, somebody else is having a loud conversation with their neighbour, happy to see them after having been alone most of the week. These people have come with different needs, and how can both of them feel at home?
Truthfully, the person who wants to be quiet in the presence of God should be able to do that here. I say this because there are other options available for those who wish to have a conversation. For example, it could be taken out into the narthex, or outside (if it is a nice day), or downstairs. Or, the conversation could be saved until after the service when coffee is available.
Is there really something so important that it needs to be discussed in the middle of the choir anthem or during communion? Do you really need to drown out the prelude before the service begins? Are your own concerns really more important than worshiping God? Where does “comfort” end and “rudeness” begin?
In a sense, it would seem that all of this is related to “love your neighbour as yourself”.
It is basically being aware of the needs of your brothers and sisters in Christ and enabling one another to worship. It is also understanding that being quiet is a sign of respect and an acknowledgment of the holiness of God.
At the same time we recognize that sometimes people can’t help themselves – especially young children! It is wonderful to hear young ones adding their voices to worship, and parents should never be made to feel embarrassed to bring their children. As Paul writes, “Do not seek your own advantage, but that of the other” (1 Cor. 10:24).
In the end, all of us really need to learn how to worship. We don’t do it easily, and we live in the midst of a culture that seems to have constant noise in it. And so, perhaps we can help one another to find ways to enter into God’s presence and experience the holy. Perhaps we can find ways that those who are quiet easily (introverts) and those who are rarely quiet (extraverts) can all worship together. I am certainly open to suggestions!
In the mean time, everything in our worship services goes together in order to help us to focus on Jesus: the music, the Scripture readings, the message, the sacrament, the prayers, the peace, and even the offering. Every element of the service leads us toward a right relationship with God and helps us to give thanks for the salvation that is ours through Jesus.
And so, may all of us continue to learn how to worship, even as we grow in awareness and respect for our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Peace in Christ,
Pastor Lynne Hutchison