A Call to Prayer
Sunday, May 1st, 2011click here for past entries
“I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” – Jesus (Jn. 14:13)
One reflection that I have read on praying in the name of Jesus compares it to doing something in the name of the king (or queen) in a country that has such a monarch. If somebody acts or speaks in the name of the king, they have been given the authority of the king and are carrying out his will. In the same way, when we pray in the name of Jesus, it also implies that we are praying according to his will and under his authority.
Thus, we cannot pray for just anything, add “in Jesus’ name,” and expect it magically to be done for us. Instead, our prayers always need to be along the lines of “not my will but yours be done” (Lk. 22:42).
As many of you can attest from experience, there is great power in prayer. God does not step in and do things without our invitation. Rather, God wants us to come in prayer, seeking God’s will, opening ourselves to a relationship with God, and listening for the promptings of God’s Holy Spirit.
This month, I would like to invite all of you to join me in prayer – seeking God’s will and God’s leading for this congregation. Specifically, I invite you to pray that we would be shown where to focus our efforts as we participate in God’s mission in this world.
This might mean strengthening something that we are already doing. It might mean starting a new mission project. It might mean focusing on something right here in Winnipeg or elsewhere around the world (or both!). The question is, where do the gifts of this congregation match the needs of the world around us? What are the interests, skills and passions of our members? What resources do we have that could be used to make the presence and power of Christ known in our world? Where is God calling us to focus our outreach at this time?
These are turbulent times in many ways. Congregations that focus only on themselves are quite likely either to self-destruct or just slowly die away. However, congregations that are actively seeking God’s will, God’s power and God’s mission will be empowered by the Spirit in order to share the good news of Jesus Christ. I have become convinced that this is the time for us collectively to pray and to seek God’s leading and vision.
Thus, I commit myself to pray along these lines during the month of May, asking that God’s vision would be revealed to us and that we would see where our part of God’s mission is in this world. It is my hope that as many of you as possible will join me in prayer, watching for God’s leading to be revealed. Where do our gifts meet the world’s need? What are the gifts and passions of our people? Where are we being called to make a difference in the name of Jesus Christ? See what presents itself to you.
If you are praying with me, I’d be happy to know that. If you receive what seems like a clear answer, I’d definitely like to know that! And, even if you just receive an inkling, I’d like to know that, too. Let us seek God’s counsel together in the name of Jesus Christ. There is good news to be shared. The only question is: where?
In Christ,
Pastor Lynne Hutchison