Prayers for Epiphany 2
Sunday, January 14th, 2024click here for past entriesPrayer of the Day
Thanks be to you, Lord Jesus Christ, most merciful redeemer, for the countless blessings and benefits you give. May we know you more clearly, love you more dearly, and follow you more nearly, day by day praising you, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
Prayers of Intercession
As we celebrate Christ embodied in human form, we pray for God’s blessing on the church, the world, and all of creation.
A brief silence.
God of truth, encourage the ministry and mission of the church. Let the leaders of your church (especially bishops Susan and Jason, Linda and Geoff) be trustworthy and accountable stewards, that hope and healing might be brought to communities. God of grace,
receive our prayer.
Delight in the goodness of your creation, God of fig trees and fertile soil. Heal areas of the world harmed by human greed. Restore those recovering from natural disaster. Protect our forests and waterways and all the creatures that live in them. God of grace,
receive our prayer.
Call the leaders of every neighborhood and nation to serve faithfully, God of wisdom. Give them visions of justice, unity and peace. As war and violence seem to increase, teach all of your people the things that make for peace. God of grace,
receive our prayer.
Hold in your care any who suffer and struggle, God of compassion. You who know our inner hearts, be present with any who are oppressed, victims of racism or cultural bias, and all who long for restoration and healing (especially those we name before you now…). God of grace,
receive our prayer.
Here other intercessions may be offered.
Trusting God who raised Jesus and will also raise us in spirit and truth, we remember all who have died and are at peace among the saints. God of grace,
receive our prayer.
Knowing the Holy Spirit intercedes for us, we offer these prayers and the silent prayers of our hearts in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Adapted from 2024