Prayers for Pentecost 16
Sunday, September 25th, 2022click here for past entriesPrayer of the Day
O God, rich in mercy, you look with compassion on this troubled world. Feed us with your grace, and grant us the treasure that comes only from you, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.
Prayers of Intercession
As scattered grains of wheat are gathered together into one bread, so let us gather our prayers for the church, those in need, and all of God’s good creation.
A brief silence.
O God, rich in mercy, fill your church with righteousness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness. Empower the baptized by your Spirit to be rich in good works and ready to share. God of grace,
hear our prayer.
Protect the earth and its creatures. Provide water, food, shelter, and favorable habitats, especially for endangered species. Provide all that is needed for people affected by natural disasters, especially those in the aftermath of Hurricane Fiona. God of grace,
hear our prayer.
Increase justice in nations, local governments, and courtrooms. Guide lawyers and those who hold public office to act with compassion and discernment. Grant wisdom to those who will soon elect municipal leaders. God of grace,
hear our prayer.
Give food to the hungry. Set the captives free. Lift up those who are bowed down. Watch over the stranger. Tend to those who are ill (especially those we name before you now…). Stir us to act in the best interest of our neighbors. God of grace,
hear our prayer.
Enliven our praise. Inspire musicians, artists, poets, and all who create beauty in this place. God of grace,
hear our prayer.
Here other intercessions may be offered.
Enfold the saints who have died in the arms of your loving care. Grant that the holy angels accompany us and bring us to eternal life with them in the light of your presence. God of grace,
hear our prayer.
Gathered together in the sweet communion of the Holy Spirit, gracious God, we offer these and all our prayers to you; through Jesus Christ, our Savior.
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