Prayers for Easter 5
Sunday, May 15th, 2022click here for past entriesPrayer of the Day
God of all wisdom, Paul knew how to sit with people in their own reality before bringing them along the journey of the story of Christ. Teach us to honor people’s journeys with grace and respect, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayers of Intercession
L: We pray for the church, the world, and all those in need.
A brief silence.
L: Gracious God, thank you for your servant, Paul, who shared the gospel in a spirit of generosity and openness. Empower your whole church to do the same, both speaking and listening in a spirit of respect for others. Risen Lord,
C: Hear our prayer.
L: We too are your offspring, O Lord, created in your very image to give glory to you. Forgive us when we try to re-create you in an image of our own choosing, for reasons which do not honor you, and return us to our true identity as your children. Risen Lord,
C: Hear our prayer.
L: We give you thanks for Cliff, Grace and Jason, whom you have drawn to yourself by the love of Jesus Christ and whom we have welcomed into this household of faith.
Unite us in your Spirit, in the breaking of bread and the prayers, and in service to others. Risen Lord,
C: Hear our prayer.
L: When assumptions and self-righteousness are released, healing can begin. Free us of all that holds us prisoner without our realizing it, and make us agents of your renewal. Bless today those whom we bring before you, especially those we name before you now... Risen Lord,
C: Hear our prayer.
L: We are a motley and diverse group, your saints. Thank you for making us different from one another, yet united in your love and redeemed by your salvation. Risen Lord,
C: Hear our prayer.
Here other petitions may be offered.
L: We have indeed received grace upon grace from you, loving God. Accept these our prayers and use them to transform hearts and lives. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Adapted from Clergy Stuff NL Resources 2022 and