Prayers for the Feast of Stephen
Sunday, December 26th, 2021click here for past entriesPrayer of the Day
We give you thanks, O Lord of glory, for the example of Stephen the first martyr, who looked to heaven and prayed for his persecutors. Grant that we also may pray for our enemies and seek forgiveness for those who hurt us, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
Prayers of Intercession
United with the great cloud of witnesses throughout the ages, we pray for the church, the world, and all who are in need.
A brief silence.
Holy God, you raise up prophets in every age who boldly speak your justice. Protect those who preach your name in times of hardship and in places of conflict. Strengthen churches who worship in fear. Ignite the hearts of your faithful people with your truth. Hear us, O God.
Your mercy is great.
Holy God, speak a liberating word to your good creation. Bring rain and growth to desolate places. Forgive us for the ways that we have harmed and dishonored the earth. Out of dust and death, bring forth new life. Hear us, O God.
Your mercy is great.
Holy God, gather together the nations under your wings. Safeguard those who bring supplies, medical care, and peacekeeping efforts to places at war. Mend our divisions and open our hearts to forgive one another across political and geographic boundaries. Hear us, O God.
Your mercy is great.
Holy God, you know the things that take life away from us: sickness, pain, anxiety, hunger, and prejudice. Do not forsake us in our time of need, but draw near to those who suffer (especially). Come quickly with your grace and power. Hear us, O God.
Your mercy is great.
Holy God, you are the keeper of our lives in times of joy and sorrow. Sustain all who feel the sting of grief and lament in this season. Bring peace to those feeling lonely or conflicted. Comfort families experiencing conflict or loss. Hear us, O God.
Your mercy is great.
Here other intercessions may be offered.
Holy God, we praise you for Stephen and all the martyrs and saints who served you in life and now praise you in life eternal. Encourage us by their witness to live each day not with shame or fear but for your glory. Hear us, O God.
Your mercy is great.
In the company of your saints we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in your eternal mercy and love; through Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord.
From Sundays and 2021