Prayers for Lent 2
Sunday, February 28th, 2021click here for past entriesPrayer of the Day
Merciful God,
You long for your people to bear the fruits of mercy and repentance. Tend and guide our growth into a faithful people who serve you and the people you love, for the sake of Jesus our Saviour. Amen.
Prayers of Intercession
L: We pray for the church, the world, and all those in need, saying “God of mercy,” and responding “Hear our prayer.”
A brief silence.
L: Gracious God, you give us endless chances to show your love in our lives, although we do not always take them. Open our hearts to see the world with the same compassion that you do, and treat others with the grace you have given us. God of mercy,
C: Hear our prayer.
L: Even amidst the curses of pollution, endangerment and exploitation, this earth and its creatures continue to endure and thrive. Make us willing and dedicated partners committed to the renewal of our environment. God of mercy,
C: Hear our prayer.
L: Disease and disaster are not punishments for sin, but rather reflections of a broken and imperfect world. Strengthen all who suffer adversity of any kind and who need a special measure of your healing, especially those we name before you now… God of mercy,
C: Hear our prayer.
L: God of compassion, your Son came not to be served but to serve. We give you thanks for those whom you have called to the diaconal ministry of word and service. Especially we give thanks for the active and retired deacons in the MNO Synod: Michèle Barr, Diaconal Minister at Fred Douglas Lodge, Michelle Collins, Assistant to the Bishop; Val Sander, retired from early childhood education; Kris Taylor, spiritual care provider at St. Boniface Hospital; and Hilde Vickers, parish deacon at Christ Lutheran Church, Waldersee. Give these deacons and all those who serve others through word and service faith to serve you with gladness. Sustain and strengthen them with a living hope; kindle in them your love and empower them to see the face of Christ in every neighbour. God of mercy,
C: Hear our prayer.
Here other petitions may be offered.
L: You hear all your children’s prayers and gather the lost into your loving arms. Teach us to put our trust in you, and in our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
Adapted from Clergy Stuff Resources 2021