Prayers in the midst of Covid-19
Saturday, March 14th, 2020click here for past entriesIntercessory Prayer in the midst of the spread of COVID-19
O God our Healer, show your compassion for the whole human family that
is in turmoil and burdened with illness and with fear. Hear our cry, O God,
Listen to our prayer.
Come to our aid as the coronavirus spreads globally, heal those who are
sick, support and protect their families and friends from being infected.
Hear our cry, O God,
Listen to our prayer.
Grant us your spirit of love and self-discipline so that we may come
together, working to control and eliminate the coronavirus. Hear our cry, O
Listen to our prayer.
Make us vigilant, attentive, and proactive in the eradication of all
diseases, malaria, dengue, HIV & AIDS, and others [may be named out loud
or in silence]… that create suffering and often result in death for
many people. Hear our cry, O God,
Listen to our prayer.
Heal our self-centeredness and indifference that makes us worry only
when the virus threatens us, open ways beyond timidity and fear that too
easily ignore our neighbor. Hear our cry, O God,
Listen to our prayer.
Strengthen and encourage those in public health services and in the
medical profession: care-givers, nurses, attendants, doctors, all who
commit themselves to caring for the sick and their families. Hear our cry,
O God,
Listen to our prayer.
Inspire, give insight and hope to all researchers focused on developing a
vaccine. Hear our cry, O God,
Listen to our prayer.
Sustain all workers and business owners who suffer loss of livelihood due
to shut-downs, quarantines, closed borders, and other restrictions…
protect and guard all those who must travel. Hear our cry, O God,
Listen to our prayer.
Guide the leaders of the nations that they speak the truth, halt the spread
of misinformation and act with justice so that all your family may know
healing. Hear our cry, O God,
Listen to our prayer.
Heal our world, heal our bodies, strengthen our hearts and our minds, and
in the midst of turmoil, give us hope and peace. Hear our cry, O God,
Listen to our prayer.
Hold in your gentle embrace all who have died and who will die this day.
Comfort their loved ones in their despair. Hear our cry, O God,
Listen to our prayer.
Remember all your family, the entire human race, and all your creation, in
your love.
Source: The Lutheran World Federation