Proper 22a
Sunday, October 2nd, 2005click here for past entries
Loving God, you have given us so much, and yet it is so easy for us to take it all for granted. Renew in us today your vision for our lives, that we might be faithful to you in all that we do; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Compared to some of the other parables, Jesus' story about the vineyard is relatively easy to understand. The references are unmistakable, especially when we are also aware of the passage that was read from Isaiah earlier today. The landowner is kind of like God, and the tenants in the vineyard are the people of Israel. However, when various prophets come and remind the people of whose land they are really living on, and what God expects from them as tenants, the people ignore them. Some prophets are beaten or stoned, and others are even put to death. Finally, God sends his only Son - Jesus - to find a way once and for all to bring these people back to God. However, the people have even less respect for God's Son, and put him to death.
So what will God do to these people? - They will be thrown out of the vineyard so that it can be given to others who will produce the fruits of it. If the Jews are not going to obey and respect God's commands, then the Gentiles will be brought into the kingdom instead. The message is unmistakably one of warning: If you're not going to live as God's people are expected to live, then others will be brought into the kingdom to replace you.
However, I'd like to challenge you this morning to think about this parable in a slightly different way. What strikes me first about the tenants in the vineyard is their greed. It is not their vineyard - they are only leasing it. Yet, they want it to be theirs. It doesn't seem to be enough to be given everything that they need in order to produce the harvest. They want it to be all their very own. In fact, I was in a very similar frame of mind one day recently, when I thought I heard the voice of God speaking to me.....
"God, is that you?....Well, no, I really didn't expect to hear your voice.... Well, yes, I do know that you're there. I'm just not the kind of person who usually hears voices....So why are you speaking to me now? ....You what?!? .... Yes, I did hear what you said. I just didn't believe it! You want my body back? ....I don't think so, God. I'm using it right now.... What do you mean, I haven't been using it properly? It's my body and I'll do whatever I want with it.... Oh. I see. It's not really mine. How do you figure that?.... Well, yes. I guess it wouldn't be much good without breath in it.... Yes. I see where you're going with this. I really can't give myself breath or life.... Okay. So why didn't you tell me that I was supposed to use it in a certain way?.... You did?!? When? ...In the Bible? I don't remember ever reading anything about that.... Of course I was paying attention. .... Well - maybe only some of the time.... Okay. So you created me - I'll give you that..... Oh, really? I'm supposed to use it to give glory to you and to serve others. Hmm. I don't remember hearing that one before..... Oh yes. I'm sure that it's there if you say so....
"Really? It says that about my money and possessions, too? I suppose now you're going to tell me that you want them back, too!.... Are you serious? How can you just take everything that I have? I worked hard to get every single thing that I have!... How can you say it doesn't belong to me? It didn't just fall into my lap, you know!... I'm sorry, Lord. I didn't mean any disrespect. I'm just finding this very hard to believe.... Okay. Yes, you created me. I already gave you that one.... Yes. I guess you did give me my mind and my strength, too.... No, I really couldn't have made a living without those things.... Okay. I think I see where you're going here. Everything that I've used to earn money and to buy things originally came from you.... Yes. I guess it really does all belong to you..... So you're saying that I've been misusing everything that I have?.... I see. How was I to know that it wasn't all for me?.... That's in the Bible too?.... I see. So if I had been using everything to give glory to you and to serve others, this conversation wouldn't be happening?...
"What do you mean, you have one more thing to talk to me about? You already want to take everything away from me. What else is there?.... My church? What's wrong with it?.... What do you mean, we're not sharing the good news? We do that every Sunday!... Oh. You want that to happen on the other days of the week, too. That might be a problem. People are pretty busy, you know.... Yes, I guess you did give us the time that we have. I bet we're supposed to use that wisely, too, or you'll be wanting our time back!.... Of course I wasn't joking. I'm not as slow as you think!.... Sorry, Lord. This is all still a little new to me.... You were mentioning sharing the good news. Does that mean that we're all supposed to go out and preach?... Oh. That's a relief! I always avoid those preachers on the street corners.... Okay. That makes sense. We're supposed to let people know about Jesus through what we say and how we live. But that's pretty difficult to do, Lord!... Oh. You'll work through us. Yes. I can see how that could work. So if we do that, our church will be okay, right?.... A good start? That sounds like there's more to it.... What do you mean, we're "lukewarm"?... Well, yes. I guess some people do always wait for "somebody else" to do things.... Yes. Some people do just want to be comfortable at church. What's wrong with that?.... Oh yes. Sharing the good news.... Boring? You? Never!... Yes, I guess some people do assume that you're boring.... Of course there's nothing boring about salvation!.... Of course there's nothing boring about the Holy Spirit!... Of course there's nothing boring about Jesus and about resurrection!.... No, Lord. I'm not just saying these things.... Yes, Lord. Some people do think that worshiping you is boring. ... No, Lord. Of course it shouldn't be....
"Okay, Lord. I see what you're saying here. I bet the same thing will happen to our church, right? If we don't use what we have to glorify you and to serve others, you'll want everything back.... Like I said, I'm not as slow as you think.... So are you really going to take everything, Lord? My body - all that I have - my church?.... Yes, I realize that you could take it all.... Yes, I understand how you want it to be used..... Yes, I believe in Jesus..... Oh, thank you, Lord, thank you!! You won't be disappointed.... Okay. Yes - you might be, but you will work through me, right?.... Yes, of course I'll allow it! I can't do it all on my own.... Thank you, Lord!... What's that?.... The best thanks I can give is to glorify you and serve others?.... Yes, I will. Thank you, Lord. Amen.
Proper 22(A) Matthew 21:33-46 October 2, 2005 Isaiah 5:1-7 St. Luke's Zion Lutheran Church Pastor Lynne Hutchison Moore ? 2005 Lynne Hutchison Moore All Rights Reserved