In order to understand today's message, you need a bit of an imagination. That's because you'll need to imagine that I am an angel, speaking to you about the birth of Jesus, who is the Word made flesh: We always thought that it was a really bad idea. You see, he had been with us ever since creation. All things were created through him, and he had never left his heavenly home. He belonged in heaven with the Father and the Holy Spirit, but they insisted that he had to be born as a human being. They insisted that the Word had to be made flesh (Jn. 1:1-3, 14). He had to become human and live among them in order to finally get the message through to them that God loves them and wants them to turn to him and be saved. We had pleaded with God to find some other way. We knew what would likely happen to the Word once he got there. We knew that they wouldn't be able to handle God living among them and would try to get rid of him. We knew that they wouldn't be able to handle it when he would speak the truth to them in love. And so we asked God to find some other way. However, apparently all of the other options had already been tried. They simply couldn't keep a covenant no matter how hard they tried, and no matter how many prophets were sent to give them the message, they still just didn't get it. There was only one thing that God could do. The Word would have to become flesh and live among them, and show them how it was supposed to be done. He would show them and teach them how to live, and would wipe out the power of sin through his own life, death and resurrection. We knew it would be messy, and we didn't want to watch. However, it is our job to carry out God's will for the sake of those miserable, rebellious human beings (Heb. 1:14). And so we sang. We sang with all our might, wanting those people to know that the glory of God had come to live among them. We sang "Glory to God in the highest heaven," for God is always the one deserving of glory (Lk. 2:14)! We sang of peace, for we knew that if they would only get to know the Word and would live following his example, then there would be peace, both within them and among them. We sang of God's favour and good will towards them, for they had to know how hard it was for God, too, to send the Word to live among them. Now, I should say that not all human beings are quite as bad as I've portrayed them. I just get a little wound up sometimes because they have a choice, and so many of them choose to ignore the Lord of glory who loves them so much! It's an absolute travesty that I still can't get over. He has done so much for them, and still they choose to throw it all in his face. But I digress. What I started to say is that at least some of the human beings seemed to recognize what an amazing thing had just happened when the Word did become flesh and Jesus was born. Mary and Joseph, for example, were very faithful. Mary, especially, was so willing to place herself in God's service for the sake of others. Her faith was highly unusual, and a real treat to see for a change. Obviously, she was the perfect choice to be the mother of the Son of God. And Joseph, too, was so supportive. He had some doubts at first, which is to be expected, but once he had the angel's "okay," he was right on board with all of this. The shepherds, too, were eager to go and see their Saviour, newly born and lying in a manger. They could have just stayed there on the hillside with their sheep and kept our message all to themselves. However, they went right away to see the Word, lying there gurgling like a baby (which he was!). Even then, they could have kept it to themselves, but went out to tell others about the birth of their Saviour, and spent their time glorifying and praising God, which is so proper! Then, later on, there were even some magi who were paying enough attention to notice that the Saviour had been born. Not only did they notice the star that signaled his birth, but they traveled all the way to Bethlehem just to see him! They came, they brought gifts, and they worshiped (Mt. 2:11). And, they knew enough to listen to their dreams and not go back to Herod. It was a sign of hope to us that at least there were some human beings who recognized what a miracle of love it was for the Word to become flesh! We just wish that all of those other human beings would get it. While the Word was living among them as Jesus, they tried many times to kill him, and finally succeeded. I won't go into the details of that now, but suffice it to say that we had a very hard time watching that happen! We wanted with all our heart to come down there and rescue him and do some major smiting, but the Father held us back and told us that it had to be this way. Even though it was so long ago, it's still very emotional for us. We see how much love God has for human beings, and we would so like to see them turn to God and return at least some of that love! That is still our hope, even today. We are still here, watching, as once again they remember his birth. We wish that more people would take a page out of the shepherd's book, and would share the amazing news with others, all the while glorifying and praising God. We wish that more people would follow Mary's example and would willingly place themselves in God's service for the good of others. We wish that people would put in as much time and effort as the magi did to come and worship, and to bring their gifts to Jesus. We wish that people would recognize what an act of love it was for the Word to become flesh and live among them. We've seen heaven, so we know what he was giving up! And so, if you see any human beings, would you please give them this message: There is a Saviour. He loves you. He became a human being for you. He lived among you, taught you, and died for you. He was raised from the dead to show that he truly was the Word made flesh. Turn to him. Turn your lives around. Repent, and be forgiven, and live a new life through faith in Jesus Christ, for he came to show you the way of salvation, and the way of everlasting life. Amen. The Nativity of Our Lord (Christmas Day) John 1:1-14 December 25, 2003 Hebrews 1:1-12 St. Luke's Zion Lutheran Church ? 2003 Lynn Hutchison All Rights Reserved |