Christmas Eve
Wednesday, December 24th, 2008click here for past entries
Loving God, we look to you this day for the eyes to see and the ears to hear, that we might be open to your message. Inspire us by the power of your Spirit, leading us to ever deeper faith in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
When you look in the manger, what do you see? A newborn baby, lying in the hay? The Saviour of the world? A Jewish boy named Jesus? A newborn in a feed trough? A newborn baby, lying in the hay? Yes – there is a baby there, and so much more.
Do you see what lies behind this child? Do you see the sinfulness that has pervaded our world and made it a very dark place indeed? Do you see how humanity had been cut off from God with no way back? Do you see God’s answer to the problem of sin?
It might take some time for your eyes to adjust, in order to see all of this. After all, God is acting in a highly unusual way. Most gods, you see (mostly false ones, of course), are all about power and intimidation. You really wouldn’t think that Almighty God – Lord of heaven and earth – would come to live among us in humility and poverty and loving service. That would take some special kind of God. That would take more love than most of us could ever feel or imagine.
Yet, do you see the love of God, lying there in the manger? Do you see how God has just affirmed the worth of every human being? Do you see how God has just identified himself with the needs and longings of so many people? Do you see how God now shares in the experiences of the poor, the suffering, the refugees, the hungry, the weary, and those who struggle with temptation? After all, if God had never come to us in human flesh, how would we know that he understands what we are going through?
Do you see compassion and understanding, lying there in the manger? Do you see the one who will become the God-Man – fully human, fully divine, and able to bridge the gap between God and humanity? Do you see the one who will give himself for the life of the world? Do you see our Saviour and Redeemer, Christ the Lord?
There is a newborn baby, lying in the hay. Yet, he is so much more than a baby. After all, his birth is an occasion for angels to fill the skies with their singing. His birth is an occasion for prophets to rejoice, and even for pagan kings to come and worship. Can we see all that lies behind this baby lying in the manger? Can we see that this birth has to do with us and is a sign of God’s love and salvation? Can we see that Jesus is still hope for our world and light in the darkness?
You see, our God does not force people to believe. Our God allows people to make their own choices, be they for good or ill. Many still choose the path of sin and self-centeredness and greed. Yet, at the same time, the light of Christ continues to shine through God’s people. Those who believe in Jesus Christ will continue to serve as beacons of hope in this world – loving, serving and having compassion on all for whom Christ died.
Some of you might be familiar with the Christmas carol “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day.” It was written during the civil war in the U.S., and it places the Christmas message alongside the darkness and destruction of war. Two of the verses go like this:
And in despair I bowed my head “There is no peace on earth,” I said, “For hate is strong and mocks the song Of peace on earth, good will to [all].”
Then pealed the bells more loud and deep: “God is not dead, nor doth He sleep; The wrong shall fail, the right prevail With peace on earth, good will to [all].” (Henry Longfellow)
Can you see it? Amen.
The Nativity of Our Lord (Christmas Eve) Isaiah 9:2-7 December 24, 2008 Luke 2:1-20 St. Luke’s Zion Lutheran Church Pastor Lynne Hutchison
© 2008 Lynne Hutchison All Rights Reserved