Fourth Sunday of Advent
Sunday, December 21st, 2008click here for past entries
Loving God, you call us, not only to be your children, but to be full participants in your kingdom. Teach us to trust your Holy Spirit, and renew our hearts and minds, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
It seems to me, these days, that there are many people who simply prefer to be spectators. Many view worship as a “spectator sport,” and would prefer not to have to “do” anything – like stand or kneel or sing or share the peace or come to the altar. Others have the same approach to life, preferring to stand (or sit) on the sidelines and watch – never becoming too involved in anything. It is an attitude that seems to emerge naturally for people who have grown up mesmerized by the television. Yet, when it comes to the coming of Christ, the call comes to us loud and clear for full participation in his coming.
When we think about Jesus’ first coming, which will be remembered and celebrated this week, we are reminded of how Mary was quite definitely “all in.” While she may have been a spectator in the sense of watching what God was going to do and how, Mary’s whole life changed as a result of her willingness to be God’s servant. She risked ridicule, shunning, and even death. She opened herself up for future sorrow, as she watched her first-born son being crucified. She later became an honoured mother and a leader in the early church. Mary’s life would have been totally different and far less meaningful if she had chosen to remain a spectator.
Mary was most certainly a full participant in the coming of Christ. Her body and her womb would carry the Son of God. As his mother, she would teach him, care for him, feed him and clothe him. Just as for any mother, Mary would have a full-time job raising her son for years to come. As participants in the coming of Christ, none of us will be asked to do nearly as much! However, we are still asked to be full participants.
One of the things about this season of Advent is that there is always this double (or even triple) meaning when we speak of the coming of Christ. Of course this is the season leading up to Christmas, and so we remember the promises and the waiting and the longing that preceded the birth of Christ. At the same time, we are reminded of Jesus’ promise to come again, and we look toward the second coming of Christ. Meanwhile – and perhaps this is the third meaning – we speak about Christ coming into our hearts and our preparations to receive him.
In thinking about how we might participate in the coming of Christ, I took a look at the Scripture passages that speak about the time when Christ will come again. Our preparations for Christ’s coming are to include the following: First, we are to proclaim the good news throughout the world so that all people might repent and turn to God (Mt. 24:14; 2 Pet. 3:9). Second, we are to lead lives that are holy and godly (2 Pet. 3:11-12). Strangely enough, this is pretty much exactly what we sang today in verse 4 of “Light One Candle to Watch for Messiah.” We sang, “He is coming, tell the glad tidings. Let your lights be shining!”
So – proclaiming the good news – telling the glad tidings – how do we do that, seeing as not everybody has been given the gifts to be an evangelist? There are at least two things that we are called to do in this respect. First of all, we are called to support those who are called to be missionaries and evangelists all over the world and here in Winnipeg. Our support can be financial, or prayers, or both. Secondly, we are called to be ready to share our faith with others. This means knowing what we believe and why. This means knowing God’s story revealed in the Scriptures. This means living out our faith in Jesus Christ so that we are able to speak from experience.
Now, keep in mind that I am not talking about standing on street corners or speaking to large crowds or leading a television crusade. Rather, I’m talking about simple conversations with people that we know. When there is an opening, or questions being asked, take advantage of it, and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and help. Do not push your faith on people who are not interested. Don’t spend your time arguing who’s right and who’s wrong. Rather, be prepared to listen to the beliefs of others and to share your own faith. This is proclaiming the good news.
At the same time, this is letting your light shine. Some of the Sunday school students made little posters downstairs that say “actions speak louder than words.” Letting your light shine involves both actions and words, and those actions and words need to match. If somebody talks about love and forgiveness through Jesus and yet treats others with spite and malice, their words will not be taken very seriously. Likewise, if people talk about how important their faith is to them, but regularly make choices that put other things ahead of their faith, it becomes obvious that their words are empty.
I mentioned earlier that leading lives that are holy and godly is part of preparing for the coming of Christ. For one thing, living as a child of God through Jesus Christ keeps us prepared at all times to meet him. At the same time, living in the love of Christ and doing what is right is a big part of our witness to others. Actions do speak louder than words!
To back up a little bit for just a moment, these things that we have been thinking about as preparing for the coming of Christ can only take place after Jesus has already come into our hearts. We spoke about Mary as a full participant in Christ’s first coming – carrying the infant Jesus within her. While we are not asked to give birth to Jesus, we are asked to carry Christ within us. We are asked to open ourselves to the Holy Spirit, and to allow Jesus to reign in our hearts and in our minds.
As we do so, we become what Martin Luther referred to as “little Christs” – serving as the hands and feet of Christ in our world and acting out of his love. In fact, perhaps this is the most important way in which we participate in Christ’s coming. When we feed the hungry and bring healing and reconciliation, we are acting as Christ for others. When we spend time with the lonely or help those who are weak or show love to those who feel forgotten, we are acting as Christ for others. When we tell of God’s love or help people to turn away from sin or welcome the outcasts, we are acting as Christ for others. For some people, Christ will come to them through us.
Today, we are called to be full participants in the coming of Christ. We are called to open our hearts and minds to Jesus and to allow him to direct our minds and our hearts. We are called to serve as Christ for others. We are called to share the good news and to live as God’s children. We are called to do these things, and the Holy Spirit enables us to do it.
Many of us will still feel inadequate, for we are, after all, human. However, God has promised both the Holy Spirit to those who ask (Lk. 11:13) and that Jesus will be with us always (Mt. 28:20). Today we have been reminded that God’s promises are to be trusted. For – after all – “nothing will be impossible with God” (Lk. 1:37). Amen.
Advent 4(B) Luke 1:26-38 December 21, 2008 St. Luke’s Zion Lutheran Church Pastor Lynne Hutchison
© 2008 Lynne Hutchison All Rights Reserved