First Sunday of Christmas
Sunday, December 31st, 2023click here for past entries
Loving God, you bring peace and salvation into a world full of violence and resistance. By the power of your Spirit, open our hearts to you this day, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
The gospel that we heard today from Luke actually comes right after the gospel for Christmas Eve, with only one verse in between. The shepherds leave, glorifying and praising God, while Mary ponders everything in her heart. Eight days later, Jesus is named and circumcised, just like every Jewish boy. And then, forty days after his birth, Mary and Joseph are at the Temple in Jerusalem, fulfilling the rest of the childbirth rituals from the law of Moses.
The way Luke tells it, two separate rituals are combined. Two turtledoves or two pigeons are named as an appropriate sacrifice for purification after a woman has given birth – assuming that she cannot afford a sheep (Lev. 12:8). At the same time, a firstborn son was to be redeemed for five shekels of silver (Num. 18:16). This was an acknowledgment that “the first issue of the womb of all creatures” belong to God (Num. 18:15). Hence, all of this is going on as the baby Jesus is brought to the Temple “to present him to the Lord” (Lk. 2:22).
Does this wording strike anybody else as odd?... My mind goes to Cameroon, where you are expected to “present” yourself whenever you are meeting somebody for the first time. Jesus being presented to “the Lord” seems kind of like the Lord being presented to the Lord – and, by the way, doesn’t God already know him?
However, present (or present) is one of those words that probably gives fits to anybody who is trying to learn English. Upon further investigation, in Numbers, all of the holy offerings are presented to the Lord (18:19), and the word that is used in Luke has numerous meanings, including to exhibit, stand beside, present, or yield. In this instance, Jesus is being affirmed as “holy to the Lord” (Lk. 2:23) – in other words, he belongs to God.
At the same time, we are introduced to Simeon and Anna today – two elders and prophets who are led by the Holy Spirit. Through them, some more things are revealed about this child Jesus. Simeon, after repeating that Jesus is both Messiah and Saviour, also reveals that this child will be “a light for revelation to the Gentiles” (Lk. 2:32). Jesus has come – not just as the Jewish Messiah, but as the Saviour of all people. Perhaps it is this revolutionary idea that was the most amazing to Mary and Joseph.
However, Simeon also predicts that there will be heartache, opposition, and sorrow – especially for Mary. Just as the lowly are raised up and the powerful are brought down, so Jesus will face opposition, as “the inner thoughts of many will be revealed” (Lk. 2:35).
This is an important statement to ponder, at least momentarily. The inner thoughts of many will be revealed. Who are the ones that would be the most threatened by having their inner thoughts revealed?... Wouldn’t it be the ones who have something to hide? – The ones who are simply trying to look good? – The ones who are clinging to power and trying to keep up appearances? Surely those who are striving to live honestly and authentically would not feel as threatened by Jesus?
Still, he will meet with opposition. In spite of the fact that we have just celebrated his birth, we are already being pointed towards his death. The same thing happens in the days just after Christmas that remember Stephen and the Holy Innocents, all of whom become martyrs because of Jesus. Yes – he comes bringing light, and life, and salvation – but he also comes into a world that will nail him to a cross. Perhaps we should not be surprised that peace and salvation, and resistance and violence, are all there together in today’s gospel – and also in our world.
However, then we meet Anna, who seems to be an embodiment of the hope that Jesus brings. Anna, we are told, has been a widow for many years – yet she is also a prophet! This is significant because, at least in Hebrew, the word for widow also means silent one. A widow no longer had a man to speak for her in public. Hence, the connection with one who is silent ( In Anna’s case, however, there is a place for her in the temple, and she speaks God’s word to those who are looking for redemption (Lk. 2:38).
It is a little glimpse of how inclusive the ministry of Jesus will be, including men and women, Jews and Gentiles, old and young, and everybody in between. Today, no matter who you are or what your situation in life might be, Jesus was born for you. May all of us be able to say, or even to sing, with Simeon:
Now, Lord, you let your servant go in peace: your word has been fulfilled. My own eyes have seen the salvation which you have prepared in the sight of ev’ry people: a light to reveal you to the nations and the glory of your people Israel. (from Night Prayer, ELW p. 324, Lk. 2:29-32)
Thanks be to God! Amen.
Christmas 1(B) Luke 2:22-40
December 31, 2023
St. Luke’s Zion Lutheran Church
Pastor Lynne Hutchison
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