Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, November 12th, 2023click here for past entries
Loving God, we wait for you this day, opening our hearts and minds to the promptings of your Spirit. Renew us in your love, providing us with all that is needed in order to do your will, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Last year around this time, I was flying – or at least, trying to fly. I had flights to Toronto and London, Ontario, then back to Winnipeg, and then to Calgary and Phoenix. Every step of the way there were delays. Flights were delayed, baggage was delayed even longer, and on my birthday, I was having an unplanned stay at a hotel in Toronto. Since that time, I have planned for delays when traveling and have tried to take enough in my carry-on for several days without my luggage – or an unplanned extra night. I have also avoided flying whenever possible.
While this is what you might call “first world” problems, it resembles in some ways those in today’s gospel who experienced delays. The bridesmaids, of course, were not flying anywhere, but were at the bride’s family home, waiting for the bridegroom to show up. They had all brought torches with them for the procession, and all of them fell asleep as the hour got later, and still they were waiting. However, only five of them were prepared for the groom to be delayed.
Really, they should have known better, which is perhaps why they are described as “foolish.” In those days, the groom was often delayed while the families haggled about the marriage, and it was usually close to midnight by the time he arrived to take the bride, in procession, to his parents’ home for the wedding ceremony. Of course, the torches would be needed to light the way, but only five of the bridesmaids had brought enough oil with them.
Perhaps in order to compound their foolishness, the bridesmaids who were not prepared go off to try and buy some oil. Have you ever wondered where they would go, close to midnight and be able to buy some olive oil? It must have been the next morning when they finally showed up for the wedding, with the ceremony already concluded and the procession long forgotten. When they arrive, the door is shut, and the master says, “I do not know you” (Mt. 25:12). They are too late and too foolish. The wedding banquet proceeds without them.
Those of you who are wide awake might be saying, “Hey. Didn’t they have lamps, and not torches?” Historically speaking, they would have used torches for a wedding procession, but the Greek word in the gospel is lampas, from which we get the English word, lamp. Whichever light source they had, some of them didn’t have enough oil.
From Matthew’s perspective, this parable looks toward the second coming, or final appearing of Jesus – also called the parousia. It will happen suddenly, and Jesus might be delayed in coming. Will we be ready when he appears? … Can you imagine Jesus, coming with the clouds of heaven, and us saying, “Just a minute, Jesus. I forgot to buy some oil. Can you wait until I come back?” Or, perhaps more likely, “Just a minute, Jesus. I’m not quite ready yet. I thought I might have a few more years to prepare.” Wouldn’t this be just as foolish as the bridesmaids in the parable? The real question, then, for us, is what would put us among the wise ones who are ready when Christ appears?
It is not staying awake for days on end, for even the wise ones fell asleep. It is also not just sitting around waiting with extra jugs of oil stashed away – for the wait will be longer than just one evening. If we take our cue from the context in Matthew, staying faithful and being trustworthy are important aspects of being prepared – essentially, living each day as if it might be our last. However, none of this happens without proper fuel and sustenance.
Think, for just a moment, about the things that people are asked to have as part of an emergency kit – things like food and water, and battery-operated radios and flashlights, and candles. We need food and drink to sustain us, and warmth and light, and alternate sources of power. However, for an emergency kit to be useful, we also need to plan for delays. Corroded batteries, and outdated food, and contaminated water won’t do us much good in an emergency.
In the same way, our faith needs regular fuel and sustenance. Our spirit needs re-fueling through communal worship and prayer and studying the Scriptures. We need support from one another – especially when our light starts to get a little bit dimmer. And, we need the power of the Holy Spirit, active in our minds and hearts and in our community, giving us all of the gifts that are needed – and especially faith, hope and love.
Ultimately, whether our time is long or short, our job is to keep on doing the things that God is calling us to do – sharing God’s love with all people, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Lectionary 32(A) Matthew 25:1-13
November 12, 2023
St. Luke’s Zion Lutheran Church
Pastor Lynne Hutchison
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