Fourth Sunday in Lent
Sunday, March 27th, 2022click here for past entries
Loving God, your Son, Jesus, submitted himself to human authorities out of love for all people. Help us to know the truth of your love for us this day, through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Pontius Pilate had quite the reputation. Ever since he had been appointed governor of Palestine by the Roman Emperor, he had butted heads with the Jewish religious leaders. In fact, it almost seems as though he did things on purpose in order to upset them. This included things like bringing the Roman ensigns into Jerusalem in the middle of the night and leaving them there, as well as building an aqueduct with money that had been dedicated to God. The Roman ensigns (by way of explanation) were offensive because of the image of the emperor on the banners, considered idolatrous by the religious leaders. Pilate, however, didn’t seem to care about such matters, and only backed down when forced to do so.
Hence, it was ironic, to say the least, when the religious leaders showed up with Jesus as their prisoner and insisted that Pilate should put him to death. In spite of the fact that Pilate had executed people before without any sort of trial, in this case, he seems bound and bent not to do as they have asked. At the same time, he finds himself confronted by a most unusual prisoner.
For one thing, the religious leaders don’t tell Pilate what the charges are against Jesus. Then, when Pilate questions Jesus, he really doesn’t get the answers he is seeking. He tries to find out if Jesus calls himself the King of the Jews, and he asks Jesus what he has done. However, all that Jesus reveals is that his kingdom is not from this world, and he has come to testify to the truth. Pilate is basically left scratching his head, and concludes that there is no case against Jesus.
As a result, he asks the religious leaders if they want him to release “the King of the Jews” at the Passover. It is a question laden with cynicism and intent on provoking a fight. And, it leads the religious leaders to ask for Barabbas to be released – a man who had been convicted of robbery, murder and insurrection.
In some ways, this is only half of the story. We hear the rest of the story next week – at least, the part of the story that involves Pilate. We will see, once again, what kind of a man Pilate was, as he orders this “innocent man” to be flogged and mocked and tortured. In spite of this, however, we get the impression that Jesus might actually be the one in charge.
This is an idea that is presented regularly throughout the gospel of John. Jesus is the one who lays down his life for his friends, and the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for his sheep (Jn. 15:13-14; 10:15). Nobody forces Jesus to do this. He offers himself of his own accord. Even in today’s gospel, where Jesus is the one in custody, he seems to be the one who is in control of the conversation.
Pilate might ask a few questions, but so does Jesus. He calmly speaks the truth to Pilate, even though Pilate has no interest in hearing it. And, when, in next week’s gospel, Pilate claims to have power over Jesus, Jesus points out that Pilate would have no power over him unless God had given that power to him (Jn. 19:11). More about this, next week. Today, we focus on Jesus, as he testifies to the truth.
It is Jesus, after all, who gives this as a sort of mission statement: “For this I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth” (Jn. 18:37). What are we to do with Jesus, the truth-teller, in these days of “pick your own” truth? Shall we at least investigate the truth that Jesus reveals before classifying it as “fake news”? Shall we at least ask what the truth was to which Jesus testified?
Perhaps the simplest way to state it is simply, “God so loved the world” (Jn. 3:16). Jesus reveals the truth of God’s love for the world – a love so deep that God’s only Son would be sent – not to condemn, but to save. Jesus reveals God’s love for outcasts and sinners, and God’s love for both Jews and Gentiles. Jesus reveals the depths of human sinfulness – culminating in how he is used and abused and crucified. Jesus reveals God’s readiness to heal, to forgive, and to set us free.
And the question to us is simply, Do we believe it? Do we believe that we have been healed, forgiven and set free through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus? Do we believe the depths of God’s love for us, and for all people? And, especially these days, do we believe that God was in charge even when it didn’t look like it? Do we believe that God is in charge, even when it doesn’t look like it? Amen. May it be so. Amen.
Lent 4 (NL 4) John 18:28-40
March 27, 2022
St. Luke’s Zion Lutheran Church
Pastor Lynne Hutchison
© 2022 Lynne Hutchison All Rights Reserved