Lectionary 11(C)
Sunday, June 17th, 2007click here for past entriesThis Sunday, the message was in the form of a Father's Day drama - "Late Show with Dwight Letterbory"
What follows is the children's message based on the gospel for the day.
One day, Jesus was invited over to Simon's house for dinner. Simon was a Pharisee - a very important leader. Jesus accepted Simon's invitation and went to his house for dinner.
When Jesus arrived, he had been out walking on the hot, dusty roads. His feet were tired and dirty. Even though Simon had lots of money and servants, he didn't even offer Jesus any water so he could wash his feet.
However, there was a woman in the city who desperately wanted to see Jesus and heard that he would be at Simon's house. Many terrible things had happened to her, and she had done some bad things, too.
She came into Simon's house, and when she saw Jesus sitting at the table, she burst into tears. She came over to where Jesus was sitting and kept right on crying. She knelt down at his feet, and her tears made Jesus' feet all wet.
When she saw that Jesus' feet were wet, she took her long hair and used it to wipe them clean and dry, and she kissed Jesus' feet. Then she opened a jar of sweet-smelling oil and rubbed it on Jesus' sore and tired feet. It was the best way that she could think of to show the love that was in her heart.
However, Simon didn't like what the woman was doing. What business did she have coming into his house when he hadn't invited her? What business did she have even touching Jesus? She's a sinner! She's done some very bad things. Doesn't Jesus know who this woman is?
Of course, Jesus did know who this woman was. He knew what was in her heart, just like he knew what was in Simon's heart. Jesus knew about the bad things that this woman had done, but he also knew that she was sorry in her heart and that she was hurting, too. She knew that she needed the healing that Jesus could offer, and she showed her love for Jesus by serving him and looking after his dirty, sore feet.
Sometimes we look at other people just like Simon did and we say, "Well he shouldn't be here," or "She shouldn't be here." Sometimes we think we know what other people are like, even though we don't know what's in their hearts.
Today we are reminded that God is the one who knows people's hearts, and God is the judge. Our job is only to love, and to pray that God's love will be known through us, too.
Let's pray: Dear God, thank you for your love, and thank you for sending your Son, Jesus. Help us to love others as you do, for we ask it in Jesus' name. Amen.
Lectionary 11(C) Luke 7:36-8:3
June 17, 2007
St. Luke's Zion Lutheran Church
Pastor Lynne Hutchison Moore
? 2007 Lynne Hutchison Moore All Rights Reserved