If you were asked to think of something that would strike you as "good news of great joy," what would it be? What kind of news would make you jump for joy and get so excited that you would just have to tell everybody all about it? Would it be the news that a child is expected, or is born? How about the news that you have just won the lottery? How about winning a gold medal, or maybe winning a trip to some exotic location? How about a loved one showing up unexpectedly when you thought that you weren't going to see them for a long time? Would any of these things qualify as good news of great joy? In the images that greet us through the magic of television and movies, these are the kinds of things that seem to get people excited: winning something big, being reunited with a loved one, or perhaps - just perhaps - the birth of a child. These questions, of course, lead into another question that emerges from the angel's message to the shepherds in the gospel of Luke (2:10-11). The question is, when we hear about the birth of a Saviour - the Messiah - the Lord - do we experience this as good news of great joy? And if not, why not? Have we become so de-sensitized that we are unable to hear and experience the good news? Or, have we decided that we really don't need to be saved from anything? I mentioned earlier some of the things that people do seem to experience as good news of great joy. Certainly, the birth of a child in and of itself can be experienced as a joyful occasion - a sign of hope, and a miracle in the midst of a mixed up world. The birth of Jesus is no different from any other in this respect - and perhaps is even more amazing due to the unsanitary and unusual surroundings for the occasion of his birth. Now - add to the birth of a healthy child the fact that this child is the Lord - God with us! What a wonder this is! - Almighty God, humbling himself to come among us as a child! We have an unusual God, indeed! Is this not, at the very least, an occasion for wonder? Could it be good news of great joy that God cares about his creation enough to come to earth in Jesus, as our Saviour? One of the other possibilities mentioned as good news of great joy is being re-united with a loved one. When you think about it, there are at least two ways that the birth of Christ brings about such a reunion. First of all, if you consider God to be a loved one, this is the birth of our hope of being reunited with God. In fact, even if we don't consider God to be a loved one, God thinks of each of us in this way, which is why Jesus was born in the first place. As human beings, we have been separated from God ever since sin came into the world and broke that relationship. God's plan, right from the beginning, was that we would be reconciled with him through his Son, Jesus, who could achieve this reconciliation because of being fully human and fully divine. Jesus is the means by which we come into the presence of God, which was where we were intended to be in the first place. As if this reunion and reconciliation with God were not enough, the birth of Jesus is also the beginning of our hope of being re-united with loved ones even after death has separated us. Without a Saviour, we could only expect death - the penalty and consequence for sin. Yet, because of Jesus' birth, life, death and resurrection, all those who live believing in him have the promise of forgiveness, resurrection, and eternal life. Although it may not have the same impact upon us as the very moment of being reunited with a loved one, is not the victory over sin and death that will come through Jesus "good news of great joy"? And then we have the prospect of winning something big. People will quite literally jump up and down with excitement at the prospect of winning big money, or a dream vacation, or a new car, or even a championship game. Now, I'm not denying that any of these things can be exciting and enjoyable. Yet, absolutely none of these things will last. They are all perishable and finite things. Wouldn't you think there would be just as much excitement, and even more, when we hear that Jesus has won for us our eternal salvation? A Saviour is born - the Messiah - the Lord. Because of him, all people will be offered forgiveness of sins, resurrection and eternal life. Because of him, all people will have access to the presence of God. Because of him, we will be offered peace with God, and with one another, and in our hearts. A Saviour is born. We are not alone in this world. Our God has humbled himself and taken the form of a servant in order that we might be exalted through Jesus. For our part, we are called to respond to God's gracious gift of salvation and to claim it as our own. We do this by placing our faith and our trust in Jesus Christ, following his example and teaching, and living by the power of the Holy Spirit. In him is our hope, our salvation, and the way to eternal life. No wonder his birth was celebrated by angels and shepherds alike!
The Nativity of Our Lord (Christmas Eve) Luke 2:1-20 December 24, 2004 St. Luke's Zion Lutheran Church Pastor Lynne Hutchison Moore ? 2004 Lynn Hutchison Moore All Rights Reserved |