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St. Luke's Zion Lutheran Church
2903 McPhillips Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Phone: (204) 339-0412
Fax: (204) 339-0412
site design by clayton rumley


Welcome to St. Luke's Zion!

Our purpose is to share God’s love with all people.

As we do so, the following principles guide us:

  • Jesus is Lord and Saviour.
  • Prayer and worship strengthen us.
  • Faith is expressed in action, compassion and sharing.
  • All people are welcome through God’s grace.
  • Jesus forgives, heals, and sets free.
  • We trust in God and are open to the Holy Spirit.

This is our part in God's mission as we seek to continue to "grow up" into Christ.  We seek to center all that we do in Jesus Christ in order that we might continue to learn and to grow as God's people. We also seek to be friendly and welcoming to all who come and visit us at St. Luke's Zion. You may have guessed from the name that there was a merger of two previous congregations. St. Luke's and Zion joined together to form a new congregation in December of 1997. However, Zion was founded in 1930 and St. Luke's in 1953! We continue to grow and to change in our life together.

NOTE: Worship is both in person and online.  Join us online at

And on Youtube at

We acknowledge that we are located in First Nations Treaty 1 territory, the ancestral territory of the Anishinaabe, Cree, Dakota, Dené and Oji-Cree and the traditional homeland of the Métis Nation.

You can donate to St. Luke's Zion and support the ministry we do together by using this link:  You will need to choose St. Luke's Zion from the list of congregations.

Thank you for taking a moment to visit us on the web. May you be blessed and inspired this day through our Lord Jesus Christ!

Peace be with you!

Pastor Lynne Hutchison

Pastor Lynne Hutchison